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ā€œ I know you can hear me! I need your help. Maybe I failed your test. Maybe I don't have control yet. But I'll do whatever I have to--whatever it takes! Tell me how to save my friends! ā€

Kira Yukimura was a recurring character in Season 3 and a main character in Seasons 4 and 5 of MTV's Teen Wolf. She is the daughter of the human history teacher Ken Yukimura, and the 900-year-old Celestial Kitsune Noshiko Yukimura. Kira's parents moved to Beacon Hills, California in the fall of 2011, where she enrolled at Beacon Hills High School. Unbeknownst to Kira at the time, her family really moved to Beacon Hills so that Noshiko could kill a powerful Nogitsune that she summoned in 1943, who had been released from its mystical prison several weeks before their arrival.

Kira soon discovers that she, too, is a Kitsune-- specifically a Thunder Kitsune, one with control over both electricity and foxfire-- when her supernatural abilities began to manifest just before their move. It didn't take long before Kira was thrust into the supernatural world of Beacon Hills, where she helped the McCall Pack defeat the Nogitsune without having to kill her friend Stiles Stilinski. Kira slowly began to learn control over her abilities while continuing to fight both human and supernatural enemies alongside her friends. She was in a romantic relationship with Scott McCall and is best friends with Malia Tate and Lydia Martin.

At the beginning of Season 5, the Dread Doctors performed a procedure on Kira with a lightning rod, causing her Kitsune powers and spirit to become overpowered and putting her Fox side and her Human side out of balance. Her inner Fox spirit then began taking control of Kira periodically, to the point where she even killed a Chimera in a fugue state, causing Kira to struggle to maintain a grip on the Kitsune spirit inside of her.

This led Noshiko, who was desperate to save her daughter's life, to bring Kira to Shiprock, New Mexico to meet with a trio of Skinwalkers who had experience with these issues. Though Kira initially spurned their help after failing their test, Kira ultimately returned to Shiprock after helping the pack deal with the Beast of Gevaudan so that she can train and finally learn control over her abilities with the Skinwalkers' help, telling Scott that she was willing to stay there as long as it takes for her to master her Kitsune abilities and ensure that she'll never hurt an innocent person again. As of the end of Season 6, Kira is still presumably training with the Skinwalkers in New Mexico.

Kira is a member of the Yukimura Family and was a member of the McCall Pack. She is currently the student of The Skinwalkers. She was the Former Student at Beacon Hills High School.

Early Life

Not much is known about Kira's life prior to moving to Beacon Hills, except that she lived in New York City (where she was presumably born) with her parents while her father taught history at Columbia University. A couple months before Kira and her family moved to Beacon Hills, she noticed that when she took photos of herself with the flash on, a fiery-looking aura would appear around her, something she didn't share with anyone until after she met Scott McCall several weeks after her family's move to California. According to Kira, she had a lot of friends at her old school in New York, and it wasn't until she moved to Beacon Hills that she found herself having difficulties making new friends. She also apparently has friends and family in New York, as she and her parents returned to their former hometown for the entire summer in 2012.

Throughout Teen Wolf

Kira made her first appearance in Anchors, where she was introduced to her father's history class at Beacon Hills High School. Ken brought up the fact that she had yet to have any friends over since they moved to Beacon Hills three weeks earlier, much to Kira's embarrassment. However, Scott McCall turned to look at her and seemed immediately smitten, which helped alleviate the awkwardness. In the hallway after class, Kira was complaining about Ken's embarrassing behavior when she suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Scott; unbeknownst to her, Scott was losing control of his Werewolf transformation, and she watched in confusion as Stiles Stilinski quickly ushered him into a classroom to get away from prying eyes.

Later that day, Kira overheard Scott, Stiles, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, and Isaac Lahey talking at lunch about Scott, Allison, and Stiles's recent near-death experiences and the horrifying side effects they had been suffering since and went over to talk to them. She nervously informed them that she thought she knew what they were talking about and started to explain what she knew about the Buddhist concept of Bardo, which had side effects similar to the ones that they were experiencing, including auditory and visual hallucinations and being visited by peaceful and wrathful deities, such as demons. When Lydia somewhat rudely asked her what her name was, Scott jumped into the conversation and replied that her name was Kira, which made Kira smile, and explained that she was in his history class. Allison asked what happened during the end of the progressive states of Bardo, Kira answered that it was "death," not realizing how serious their current situation was.

In More Bad Than Good, Kira approached Scott before history class started, where she informed him that she had done some more research for him on Bardo to help clarify her "all over the place" explanation of the concept the previous day. Scott, appreciative of her help, stated that she didn't have to go through all that trouble while she was searching for the research in her book bag, and Kira absentmindedly replied that it only took her a few hours, a gesture by which Scott seemed to be genuinely touched. Finally, Ken approached Kira with the stack of Bardo printouts Kira collected and remarked that she "forgot all that research she did for that boy she likes," which once again embarrassed Kira, though Scott seemed flattered that she had a crush on him. Kira awkwardly took her seat and watched as her father started class. When Stiles was asked to come up to the front of the class and read an excerpt from their book, Kira watched as he nervously went to the podium to read. Unfortunately for Stiles, the side-effects from his death and resurrection (along with, unbeknownst to anyone else, the fact that he was currently possessed by the weakened Nogitsune) caused him to hallucinate that the words were falling off the page and led him to have a panic attack in front of the class. Kira looked worried as Scott helped Stiles get to the locker room to calm him down, and after the bell rang, she saw that they had both forgotten their book bags and picked them up so she could return them.

However, what she didn't know was that Stiles' book bag contained a baby doll that he had taken from the scene of the car accident where Malia Tate, a Werecoyote, had inadvertently killed her adoptive mother and sister on her first full moon several years earlier, which led Malia, in full-coyote form, to chase Kira into the locker room in an attempt to get it back. Kira dropped the bags and hid behind a row of lockers, where she was eventually found by Scott, who knocked over the lockers to scare Malia away, though he did not explain the coyote's true identity to Kira. When the Sheriff's department arrived to check out the scene, Ken asked Kira why she was in the locker room instead of the cafeteria with the rest of the students, and Kira glumly replied that she was just trying to do something nice for Scott and Stiles, since she thought that doing something nice would help her make friends, not realizing that Scott was eavesdropping on this conversation and had made a mental note to be friendly to her in the future.

In Galvanize, Stiles caught Scott checking out Kira while she was at her locker, and when Stiles saw her drop her books onto the floor, he remarked that he could tell Scott liked Kira and that he should ask her out, though Scott seemed too shy to do so. Later that afternoon, Kira was eating lunch with her father Ken in his classroom, where he brought up the fact that she should be eating with her friends in the cafeteria. Kira suggested that she just wanted to keep him company, but Ken retorted that she should be embarrassed to be seen with him before getting to the true reason Kira was there, which was that she was still having trouble making friends in Beacon Hills.

Kira ruefully replied that she had plenty of friends back in New York, but that every time she tries to get to know someone here, she starts rambling like an idiot. Ken quoted Samuel Beckett, "Try again. Fail again. Fail better," and assured her that someone would take interest soon enough, even after Kira reminded him that the only person who showed her interest was a "rabid coyote". Not knowing that Scott was eavesdropping once again outside the room, Kira insisted that she didn't want a boyfriend, but that she did want to make some friends.

After school, Kira was in her lounge clothes in her bedroom when Ken returned home from school to inform her that she needed to change into something nice because he invited a guest to dinner. As if on cue, the doorbell of the Yukimura House rang, and Ken added that he was calling that night the "Thank you for saving my daughter from being a coyote dinner" dinner and opened the door to reveal he had invited Scott to eat with them. Kira, embarrassed about being in her sweats, smiled awkwardly before going into her bedroom to change. Shortly afterward, Scott and Kira joined Ken and Kira's mother, Noshiko at the table, where Ken had prepared a platter of fancy sushi. When it became obvious that Scott had never had sushi before, Kira groaned in embarrassment before reminding her parents that they were supposed to have lasagna, but Scott, wanting to make a good impression, insisted that he could eat anything. However, when he began to struggle with his chopsticks, Kira helped him learn how to use them properly, and when he dropped his piece of sushi while he was trying to eat it, Kira caught it in mid-air and cutely fed it to him, leading her parents to realize that she did indeed have feelings for him. Kira, Scott, Noshiko, and Ken continued to make polite small talk at dinner, during which time Scott remarked that Yukimura was a Japanese name. Kira rolled her eyes as Ken explained that while Noshiko was Japanese, he himself was Korean and that he chose to take her name because of her family's unique heritage, as well as because they married in Japan, where couples were required to belong to the same koseki, or family. When Ken added that he was going to do a unit in his history class on Noshiko's lineage, Kira became embarrassed, to which Noshiko scolded her about being proud of her heritage. Just then, Kira realized that all of Scott's wasabi was gone, and Scott, whose mouth and throat was burning, gasped that he thought it was guacamole.

After the somewhat disastrous dinner, Kira took Scott to her room, where she brought a Hawaiian pizza she had ordered for her and Scott to eat, admitting that she probably should have started him on the simpler California rolls as she and Scott had their post-dinner snack. At the end of the evening, Kira walked Scott out to his motorbike, during which time he thanked her for having him and joked that the pizza, not the sushi, was good. Kira remarked that he was a good guy, and not just because he saved her from being eaten by a coyote; when Scott asked her what else he did, she smiled and reminded him that he remembered her name. However, just before Scott was about to leave, William Barrow appeared with a crowbar and knocked Scott out with it by hitting him over the head before capturing Kira. Meanwhile, at the high school, Stiles and Lydia had just found a code left on the chalkboard that instructed Barrow to kill Kira and immediately went to find Scott so they could save her.

Barrow brought Kira to the electric substation where he used to work and tied her up to a chain-link fence near the electrical generators. He then threatened her with a large electrical wire that he had cut, which was life and shooting sparks from the end. He took her cell phone out of her pocket and used it to take a picture of her as proof of their time together before asking her if she had ever seen the original 1960's black and white movie Village of the Damned. He explained that it was a film about beautiful, blonde-haired children with glowing eyes who could force people to do things and that he, too, had seen children with glowing eyes, but when he tried to tell the authorities what he saw, they just laughed at him.

He went on to say that he planned to shake them out of their paralysis with Kira and picked up the live wire in order to shock her with it, only for Scott to appear behind him and distract him. Kira attempted to order Scott to run away, but Scott insisted that Kira wasn't the one he wanted, as he had determined that Barrow wanted supernatural teenagers and had assumed that Kira was a regular human. Unfortunately for Scott, Barrow hit him with the live wire, sending him flying back against the fence surrounding a generator and weakening him with the electricity he could do nothing to stop Barrow from holding the wire toward Kira's face. However, before it could make contact, Kira's Kitsune powers activated for the first time as a defense mechanism and caused all of the generators in the substation to explode in showers of bluish-white foxfire, hitting Barrow with such force that it electrocuted him to death and causing a city-wide blackout due to the damage to the generators. Scott then watched in shock as Kira, who was completely stunned herself, unconsciously absorbed all of the foxfire through the palms of her hands, neither one understanding what she had just done.

In Illuminated, Kira, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia were brought into the Sheriff's station to be questioned by Special Agent McCall and Sheriff Stilinski on what happened at the electric substation. Kira remained quiet while the rest of the teens, who were more experienced in these matters, talked in circles to distract Agent McCall from what had really happened. However, when the FBI agent asked Kira if their account was truly what had happened, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia stared at Kira until she weakly insisted that it was the truth. When Kira asked Agent McCall if she could have her phone back, he denied her request, informing her that it was evidence in the case before handing it to a deputy to put in the evidence lock-up. He then informed Kira that she could go home after she filled out some paperwork regarding the attack.

When Kira got home that night, she lit a candle in her room before nervously grabbing her digital camera and taking a photograph of herself with the flash in front of a mirror. When she looked at the photo on the viewfinder, she became even more anxious when she saw that there is a fiery-looking aura around her in it. The next day at school, the fact that the town was still affected by the blackout was the talk of the town, though only the McCall Pack knew that it was Kira who had caused it. When Scott attempted to talk to Kira, Stiles immediately stopped him, as he (incorrectly) suspected that Kira was yet another "psychopathic monster" who was trying to kill them, and insisted that Scott avoid any interaction with her until they figured out what she was. Scott thought that she was just like him, a Werewolf, but Stiles reminded him that she walked through "1.21 jiggawatts" of electricity without harm, which meant she wasn't like him. Scott continued to stare at Kira anyway, which she noticed before turning and rushing away from them.

At lunch, Kira was sitting against the wall in the corner of one of the hallways when Scott walked over and sat next to her. She instantly told him she didn't want to talk about what happened, so Scott respected her wishes and instead brought up the pre-calculus test that they had on Friday. After a moment, Kira changed her mind about talking about what had happened the previous night and asked Scott if he had his phone. When Scott replied that he did, Kira informed him that she was going to show him something that no one else had seen and instructed him to take a photo of her with the flash on.

Scott did as he was asked, and when he saw the photo he had taken on his phone, he, too, was shocked to see the fiery aura around her and asked her what it was. Kira admitted that she had no idea and that it had just started happening several months earlier and only showed up with the flash on. She then nervously confessed that the only other person who knew was William Barrow, who used her own phone to take a picture of her to prove it. Scott realized that this was why Kira was so intent on getting her phone back from the deputies, and when Kira admitted that she was afraid of what the authorities would think if they saw the photos, Scott vowed to help Kira get her phone back.

That night, Scott and Kira met up with Stiles in the back parking lot of the Sheriff's station, where Stiles gave them copies of the key cards to the doors in the station that he cloned with an RFID emulator. Kira nervously pulled Scott aside and asked him if he told Stiles about what she told him, but when Scott assured her that he didn't and had instead lied that Kira had naked photos on her phone she didn't want the deputies to see, Kira happily remarked that it was a good idea before they returned to Stiles, who gave them directions to the evidence lock-up but ultimately warned them that if they got caught, he couldn't help them, thanks to Agent McCall's current impeachment case against his father, Sheriff Stilinski.

The two thanked Stiles before sneaking into the station and into the evidence lock-up, which was also doubling as Agent McCall's office. When they found Kira's phone was dead, they frantically searched the office for a charger cable and continued to hide in the room while Stiles distracted Agent McCall against his own earlier protests. When Kira saw the screensaver on the laptop Kira was using to charge her phone, she wondered aloud who was in it, leading Scott to reveal it was a photo of him as a child with his father.

They somehow managed to successfully delete all the photos of Kira's aura from her phone and put it back where they found it before sneaking out, where Kira, exhilarated by the rush of adrenaline caused by their criminal act, exclaimed that their sneak-in was both terrifying and awesome before asking Scott and Stiles if they've ever done anything like that before. Once their buzz wore off, Scott awkwardly remarked that he should probably get Kira home, to which Kira frowned in disappointment before agreeing with him. However, once the two got on Scott's motorbike, he mustered up enough nerve to ask Kira if she wanted to go to a party at Derek's loft, and she excitedly accepted his offer.

Scott, Kira, and Stiles arrived at the party, which was being thrown by Danny Mahealani and the twins, Ethan and Aiden at Derek's loft without Derek's knowledge, to find hundreds of people in various stages of dress who were all drinking and covered in UV paint that was illuminated by the blacklights around the room. When Stiles went off to find Caitlin, Scott, seeing that Kira was getting bumped around by the crowds of people, took her hand in his so they wouldn't be separated. Kira, overwhelmed with affection for Scott, thanked him for everything that he had done for her, but when she saw Scott and his ex-girlfriend Allison Argent staring at each other from across the room, she became disappointed and let go of his hand before walking through the crowd. When Scott realized she was gone, he allowed his Werewolf eyes to come out so that he could more easily find Kira in the crowd; to his surprise, he realized when he found Kira that his Werewolf sight could see the fiery aura that surrounded her, and that it took the shape of a fox, which wasn't visible on the photos he had seen of her.

Kira ended up catching back up with Scott before the two headed up to the roof of Derek's loft so they could talk privately. She informed him that he had UV paint on his face, and when he was unable to get it himself, she licked her thumb and wiped it off for him, causing Scott to laugh and tease her for "mom-ing" him. After a moment of awkward silence, Kira asked Scott how he was so okay with everything that he had learned about her, pointing out that anyone else who had seen her aura and her electrokinesis would be running as far away as possible from her. Scott assured her that it wasn't that bad and corrected her when she stated that she looked like a "demon from hell," instead of pointing out that her aura looked like armor that was protecting her. When she asked him what shape it took, Scott hesitated before replying that it looked like a fox, which seemed to trigger something in Kira's memory.

Several minutes later, Scott heard Derek's howl for help after the latter had awoken following an encounter with the Oni (though they didn't know what the creatures were at the time) and accompanied Kira back to the party to investigate. When they got there, they found that nearly all of the party attendants had left, leaving only Scott, Kira, Derek, Allison, Isaac Lahey, Ethan, Aiden, and five Oni. Since the Oni had already checked and branded Isaac, Derek, Lydia, and Ethan, they then set their sights on Aiden, causing Scott and Derek to start to fight with the Oni while Kira watched in horror from the corner.

However, the two were quickly defeated by the Oni, allowing them to go after Aiden, who also branded him with the jiko kanji as they had the others. When the Oni then turned their focus to Kira, Scott, who had avoided shifting into Werewolf form thus far, let his red eyes, fangs, and claws come out as he positioned himself in front of Kira to protect her as he growled at them. When he looked back at Kira to make sure she was okay, he saw her eyes widen in shock when she realized that he wasn't human. However, before the Oni could do anything more, the sun rose and caused them all to dissolve into black smoke before teleporting away.

In Silverfinger, Kira returned home from the party that morning and flopped onto her bed before experiencing a flashback to just a few minutes earlier when Scott dropped her off on his motorcycle. While she was getting off of his bike, she hesitantly asked him if he and his friends were Werewolves, which he confirmed, though it was clear he was sure she would react with fear like everyone else who had learned about his supernatural identity. However, Kira was actually quite excited to learn that Werewolves were real and asked Scott if he would show her his transformation; although he was reluctant to do so, he ultimately complied. She smiled as she touched his Werewolf face, and Scott was so shocked by how open and accepting she was about his secret that his eyes unconsciously went from Alpha red to their usual human brown.

A few hours later, Kira arrived at school and saw Scott talking to Ethan and Aiden about the events of the previous night, such as their run-in with the Oni and the fact that the twins believed Scott was their next target. The sight of Kira led Scott to realize that the Oni could be after her since she had recently displayed supernatural powers of her own. After school, Kira removed the spark plugs from Ethan and Aiden's motorcycles to give her and Scott a head start to the McCall House to prepare for nightfall since that was when they believed the Oni would return. At Scott's house, Kira helped Scott lock all the doors and windows, and seemed surprised when Scott explained that his boss, Alan Deaton, had installed a "security system" in the house that only his mother Melissa could arm.

They then went up to Scott's room, where Kira insisted that she didn't want anyone to get hurt because of her, especially Scott himself, but Scott assured her that it could be either of them that the Oni was after. However, Kira maintained that she wasn't so sure and pulled out a book that she found at her house on Japanese mythology, explaining that she believed she was a Kitsune, a trickster spirit. She then showed him the pages on Kitsune, which detailed Kitsune traits such as foxfire, a form of fire or lightning that resembled the electricity she discharged when William Barrow tried to kill her.

She also explained that, according to the lore, foxes and wolves don't get along, but Scott simply reminded her that it was just a story in a children's book. When Kira brought up that she told her parents she would be home for dinner, Scott insisted that she stay so he could protect her, suggesting that she tell her parents she was on a date. The two were about to kiss when they suddenly heard the front door open, leading Scott to assume that his mother was finally home to arm their "security system."

However, when they went downstairs, they were both shocked to see Scott's father, Rafael McCall, standing in the dining room instead, looking very unhappy. Knowing that the Oni could be coming as soon as the sun went down, Kira watched Scott as he angrily confronted his father about being there, which led Rafael to show them the photo his laptop had taken of Scott and Kira when they broke into his office to delete the photos of Kira's aura off of her phone.

When he demanded an explanation as to why they had broken into his office, Kira looked as though she was about to tell the truth when Melissa returned home to find Scott yelling at his father to get out of the house. When she asked them to explain what was going on, Kira noticed the sun setting and tried to warn Scott about it, but it was too late-- as soon as the sky became dark, three Oni used the shadows to appear in the living room. Rafael saw them and believed them to simply be costumed intruders, and when he demanded to know who they were, the Oni perceived him as impeding their mission and stabbed him in the shoulder with their ninjato, leading Kira to scream in horror.

Just then, Derek Hale burst through the front door, fully wolfed-out, and roared at the Oni before engaging in a fight with them, leading Scott to do the same. Kira backed away from the fight and watched in horror as Melissa dragged Rafael out of the way to assess his injuries. She became even more frightened when Ethan and Aiden jumped through the windows to help in the fight, allowing the four Werewolves to wrangle the Oni outside just in time for Melissa to break a jar of Mountain Ash in the threshold to keep them out.

Kira, who had never seen Mountain Ash before, looked at it curiously and held out her hand toward the barrier between the inside of the house and the Oni outside. Aiden happened to see Kira's hand repelled by the barrier and was shocked to learn that she was supernatural. Intent to prove himself to Scott and believe she may be a threat, he started to question Kira on what she was, and when Ethan, not knowing what was going on, tried to get his brother to calm down, he grabbed Kira by the wrist and put her hand up toward the Mountain Ash barrier again to show him that she couldn't pass through it either. When he once again demanded to know what she was, Derek entered the room and informed him that she was obviously a Kitsune, pointing out that they could see her aura all around her if they used their Werewolf eyes. Kira, shocked to have her suspicions confirmed, seemed intrigued as Derek explained that younger Kitsune give off an aura that they need to learn how to hide, and stated that she likely didn't know what type she was, either.

This led Kira to become convinced that she was the evil spirit that the Oni was hunting, and she argued with Scott that since tricksters were supposed to trick people with their shapeshifting, the evil spirit could easily be her. However, Scott assured her that he has seen evil creatures and that he knows she's not one of them. Scott got a phone call from Allison, who had just talked to Katashi about Kitsune, specifically the Nogitsune who the Oni was hunting, just as the Oni had finally broken through the Mountain Ash barrier.

This led Scott to instruct Ethan, Aiden, and Derek to stand down before he took Kira's hand and asked her if she trusted him. When she nodded in confirmation, he led her in front of the Oni so they could test them, since Allison had told Scott that they wouldn't hurt them as long as they passed their test. Once Scott and Kira's test from the Oni was finished, they branded the jiko kanji behind their ears like they did the others and disappeared. They were so weak that they both collapsed onto the floor, and Derek and the twins rushed over to assure them that they were okay as they recovered.

In Riddled, Kira was studying on her bed around midnight when she leaned over to turn on the lamp on her bedside table. Upon turning the dial, she found that her light bulb had burned out and called out to her mother to see if they had any extra ones. When she took the lampshade off and prepared to unscrew the dead bulb, small bolts of foxfire discharged from her fingertips and briefly lit the bulb, causing her to jerk her hand away. Stunned and somewhat curious about this involuntary display of her powers, Kira reached over to grab the light bulb again and looked surprised as the bulb lit up brighter and brighter as her foxfire-tipped fingers powered it up.

Suddenly, the bulb exploded due to being overwhelmed by her power, just as Noshiko walked into the room. She was visibly displeased by Kira's growing powers and sternly asked her what she did, but when Kira quickly insisted it was just an accident, Noshiko argued that it was far too late for her to be awake before she removed the remainder of the broken light bulb from the lamp. When Noshiko replaced it with a fresh bulb, her fingers also sparked it with foxfire, though she was able to quickly control it, unlike her daughter. Kira looked at her with a shocked expression, but Noshiko simply gave her a look and told her to go to bed once the lamp was returned to normal, leaving Kira to continue to question her supernatural identity and what her mother was hiding from her.

The next day at school, Kira tried to talk to Scott in the hallway, but he was so distracted by the revelation that his best friend Stiles might have the same illness that killed his mother, Claudia that he didn't hear her call out to him. She was then approached by Derek Hale, who assured her that Scott was just preoccupied with other things rather than being mad at her and offered her his assistance to make up for it. When Kira asked her why he would want to help her, Derek explained that he wanted her to tell her everything that happened at the electrical substation when William Barrow kidnapped her.

The two then went to the substation together, where Kira showed Derek where Barrow had tied her up. While they were looking around, Derek saw Stiles' aluminum baseball bat magnetically attached to one of the transformers and realized that a skid mark on the floor was due to the bat dragging along the floor as it was magnetically drawn to the metal transformer. Derek, who was starting to realize what had happened, turned to Kira and asked her to tell him everything she knew about Kitsune foxfire.

That evening, Derek and Kira pulled into the hospital parking lot so that they could join Scott in visiting Stiles, who was in the middle of getting an MRI to confirm a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia. However, Kira, feeling uncomfortable, informed Derek that she was staying behind. When Derek protested against this, Kira reminded him that they were about to tell Scott that William Barrow was manipulated into forcing her to discharge her foxfire in order to jump-start the Nogitsune's power inside Stiles, who he was possessing, which led Derek to realize the source of her discomfort and agree that staying behind was probably for the best. She continued to wait in the parking lot until suddenly, she saw a live wire whipping around from the roof before falling toward her, causing her to mutter, "Oh no. Not again" as she watched it head toward her head.

In Letharia Vulpina, Kira was seen dodging the live wire as it fell from the roof of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, but when she saw the wire continuing to flip around the parking lot, she immediately jumped into action to try to stop others from getting hurt. Upon seeing an ambulance swerve to miss the wire and running into a fire hydrant that began pumping water all over the tarmac, she rushed forward and told everyone to stay back, just as Allison and Isaac arrived at the hospital to check on Stiles Stilinski. Kira watched in horror as an ambulance driver, a young woman, and Isaac himself were all electrocuted after making contact with a puddle in which the live wire was laying, leading her to run as fast as she could toward the wire, demonstrating her newly-exhibited Kitsune agility by running up the hood of an oncoming car and backflipping off of it before landing in the puddle below.

Knowing instinctively that she was immune to electricity and had the power to manipulate it, Kira picked up the wire with one hand and held up the other in preparation to clamp it over the live end, just as Derek and Scott, who had just come down from the roof, ran toward her. Both men watched in shock as Kira touched the live wire with her bare hand and began siphoning the electricity through her palms, causing her irises to glow an orange-gold color. Just as she was almost finished draining the electricity from the wire, Noshiko ran out of the hospital following her confrontation with Stiles/the Nogitsune and saw her daughter using her powers before rushing her away, leaving Derek, Scott, and Allison to tend to the badly electrocuted and burned Isaac.

As they were walking away, Noshiko sternly revealed that she had seen what Kira did and scolded her for using her powers in public, claiming that now wasn't the time for other people to know what she is. Despite this, Noshiko would not tell Kira anything else about her powers or her heritage at this point, as they were too concerned with the fact that Stiles and the Nogitsune (henceforth known as Void Stiles) had vanished.

Two days later, Kira met with Scott at school to discuss the Nogitsune, where Kira revealed what she had learned from her research. She explained that Kitsune, including Nogitsune, don't really understand the concept of "good" or "bad," nor do they really want to understand, but they do have their own unique codes of honor and respect, which leads to Nogitsune reacting very badly when they're offended. When Scott asked her what the Nogitsune possessing Stiles could possibly be offended about, but Kira responded that she didn't know, but judging by his actions thus far, it was likely something very bad. Scott and Kira then went to their respective locker rooms to prepare for early-morning cross-country practice, but Scott, Ethan and Aiden were quickly distracted by the sound of one of the Argent family's ultrasonic emitters, leaving Kira to go to practice by herself.

At practice, she realized that not only did she have supernatural-level agility like she demonstrated the previous evening, but she also had super-speed, which was evidenced when she quickly lapped everyone else on the team, including their fastest runner, Danny Mahealani. After the boys had found Stiles supposedly no longer being controlled by the Nogitsune, they figured out that Void Stiles had set up a trap in the woods and rushed toward where the cross-country team was practicing to keep anyone else from being hurt. Scott, with some difficulty, managed to catch up with the extremely-fast Kira, who immediately started babbling excitedly about how quickly she was running. Scott proudly informed her that he could feel how fast she was moving, but then changed the subject to Stiles and brought her with him to return to the others, where they eventually saw Coach Finstock hitting a trip-wire with his foot and getting shot in the stomach with an arrow due to the trap that Void Stiles had set up earlier.

This ultimately led Scott, the twins, and Stiles to leave school, but Kira stayed behind to keep an eye on things. After school let out, she saw her mother Noshiko meeting up with her father, Ken, and watched as her parents walked into Ken's classroom to talk. This led Kira to stand outside the closed door of the classroom so she could eavesdrop on their conversation, though it was clear she didn't understand everything due to how little she understood about Kitsune. During Ken and Noshiko's conversation, Kira learned that Noshiko had nine Kitsune tails, of which she had made physical representations in the form of nine black ceramic daggers called kaiken.

Noshiko had also already sacrificed five of her tails to summon the Oni in order to help her hunt down the Nogitsune, and Kira watched as Noshiko snapped two more of her tails to create two more Oni to replace the three that Void Stiles had killed, insisting that these two would be stronger because the tails she used were older and thus more powerful.

Realizing that the new Oni that Noshiko had summoned would be going after Stiles, Kira immediately left the school to meet up with Scott and Stiles at the Sheriff's station, which was currently in chaos due to a bomb Void Stiles had planted there earlier in the day. Kira caught up with them just after Scott had absorbed the pain of a deputy who literally died in Scott's arms, and she warned them that the Oni were coming and that they needed to get out of there. While driving in the pouring rain in Stiles' Jeep, the three then decided to go to the animal clinic, as the Mountain Ash Alan Deaton built into the foundation would at least buy them some time, though they anticipated that the Oni would manage to break through it like they did at the McCall House.

However, when they arrived, they were just in the middle of unlocking the door when the Oni showed up, forcing Scott to wolf-out to fight them. Stiles unlocked the door and yelled at Kira to get inside, but she was too distracted with trying to help Scott to hear him. She first started by weakly throwing crates at the Oni in hopes of giving Scott an advantage, but when one of the Oni attempted to attack her, Kira's Kitsune power of instinctive combat skills kicked in, and she reflexively grabbed the Oni by its ninjato and flipped it onto its back. Shocked by this unexpected display of fighting prowess, Kira leaped into the battle with a pipe she had found lying around and knocked another Oni backward with it by hitting it in the abdomen. Suddenly, one of the Oni impaled Scott through the stomach with its sword, and Kira cried out, "NO!" before jump-kicking the Oni backward away from Scott.

Stiles rushed over and helped Kira get Scott inside the clinic before he could be harmed any further. Once inside, Scott leaned against the exam table and nodded at Kira to indicate that he wanted her to pull the sword out of his abdomen so he could finally start healing. However, as soon as Kira had wrapped her hands around the grip and prepared to remove the ninjato, Stiles revealed that he was still being controlled by the Nogitsune when he grabbed Kira by the wrist, yanked it backward, and knocked her out by slamming her head against the table.

With Kira laying unconscious on the floor, Void Stiles, while torturing Scott by twisting the sword still impaling his torso, revealed everything that he had orchestrated that day, including the fact that he manipulated Scott into taking the pain from Isaac, Coach Finstock, and the dying deputy so that he would be able to feed on the pain from Scott himself, giving himself even more power in the process. However, just as he warned Scott that he shouldn't trust a Fox due to their status as tricksters, Alan Deaton arrived and injected Stiles with a syringe of letharia vulpina, or "wolf lichen," knocking Stiles out, weakening the Nogitsune, and preventing Kira and Scott from further injury.

In Echo House, Kira, feeling guilty due to Noshiko's role in summoning the Oni, offered her assistance in Scott, Allison, Lydia, Ethan, and Aiden's plan to steal the Shugendo scroll, which had answers as to how to remove a Nogitsune from a host and which had been put in an armored truck to be taken to a federal evidence lockup facility with the rest of Katashi's belongings.

Though Scott warned her that it would be dangerous and that anyone who has been involved with the McCall Pack has inevitably gotten hurt or worse, Kira insisted that she felt responsible for what was happening to Stiles and pointed out that if she had the ability to help, she should do it. She then explained that she had been picking up sword-fighting skills "scary-fast" before pulling out a ninjato that she had stolen from one of the Oni the previous night, nearly taking Scott's head off in the process due to her exuberance. Despite this initial mistake, Kira showed off her newly-developed skills to Scott, who was so impressed by how her Kitsune abilities gave her intuitive understanding of melee weapons that he instantly accepted her offer of help.

That evening, Scott, Allison, and Kira hid behind a van in the Sheriff's station's parking lot, where Allison used her binoculars to make sure the coast was clear before informing Kira that she was up. Kira utilized her enhanced speed to sprint over to the armored car and place one of the Argents' GPS trackers near the wheel so the pack could track the truck to its location. However, before Kira could run back, Deputy Jordan Parrish appeared to finish loading the truck up, forcing Kira to duck down on the opposite side of the truck. Before the others could even react, Parrish became alarmed when he found that the driver of the truck had been knocked out in the driver's seat and was lying slumped over the wheel with a bleeding head wound. When Parrish went around to the back of the truck to investigate further, Kincaid, Katashi's associate, appeared and knocked Parrish out as well by slamming his head against the bumper.

After Allison identified Kincaid to the others, Allison and Scott rushed out to stop Kincaid from stealing the Shugendo scroll, which was hidden in Katashi's silver prosthetic finger. Unfortunately for them, Kincaid rolled his eyes at Scott's request to hand the scroll over and Allison's insistence that he could take the briefcase with $150,000 instead since the scroll was worth over $3 million. When he was also not at all afraid of Allison's crossbow aimed at his chest, Kira, who had climbed onto the roof of the truck, jumped down on Kincaid, wrapping her legs around his neck as she tried to knock him out, only for Kincaid to throw her onto the ground, grab her in a choke-hold, and toss her aside.

While Kira recovered from this blow, Kincaid caught the arrow Allison shot before it could hit him and backhanded her in the face, sending her onto the ground next to Kira. Kincaid eventually lost the upper-hand when Ethan and Aiden arrived and incapacitated him, allowing Scott to take the scroll from him. Kira seemed very proud of Scott when he insisted that they let Kincaid live and walk away, as they were there to save a life, not end one.

In The Fox and the Wolf, Kira was summoned to the McCall House by Scott, who had just been visited by Malia Tate after the Werecoyote was checked out of Eichen House. Scott showed Kira a broken katana and a photograph that Malia and Stiles had found with a body buried in the wall at Eichen House, and Kira was shocked to see that the photo, which was dated 1943, was of a woman who looked identical to her, and who was standing with a young Army corporal. Kira assumed that the woman must be her grandmother, which led Scott to suggest that the Nogitsune seemed to be connected to her family. However, before they could discuss it further, Kira got a text from Noshiko telling her that Ken was in trouble and that she needed to get to the high school.

Scott and Kira made a pit-stop at the Yukimura House to grab a vial for Noshiko before heading straight for Ken's classroom, where Noshiko was supporting Ken's body while he doubled over on the floor from being possessed by a Nogitsune fly. When Noshiko asked for the vial of herbs, Kira asked her what they were, and Noshiko briefly explained that they were reishi mushrooms before feeding them to Ken, leading Kira to exasperatedly exclaim that she couldn't believe her mother was feeding her father "magic mushrooms." Once Ken had been cured of his Nogitsune fly infection, Noshiko informed Kira and Scott that the Nogitsune wanted Noshiko's last kaiken, which she stated she had been carrying on her person since Void Stiles' escape from Eichen. Kira, appalled by Noshiko's secrecy, insisted that she needed to tell them everything, and when Noshiko looked hesitant to do so, Scott handed her the photograph and sword Malia had given him earlier. Noshiko looked at the photo and demanded to know where he had found it, but Kira instead asked Noshiko whether the photo was of her grandmother, forcing Noshiko to reveal that it was actually of her. After briefly explaining her history as a World War II internment camp prisoner through a flashback, Scott pointed out that if it was true, Noshiko must be nearly ninety years old, and when Noshiko wryly admitted that she was actually closer to nine hundred, Kira was visibly stunned by this revelation. Though she was slightly reassured by Ken's insistence that he was only forty-three, she was still more determined than ever to learn the truth about her mother's background and connection to the Nogitsune. Noshiko picked up the katana and carried it over to Ken's desk, where Kira, Scott, and Ken gathered around to watch Noshiko unsheath it, revealing a handle and a blade that had been shattered in over a dozen pieces. She explained that the blade had broken the last time it was used, which was against the Nogitsune in 1943. Kira and Scott went on to listen to Noshiko's story at Oak Creek internment camp, where Noshiko, ever the trickster, stole food and supplies for her fellow internees and fell in love with the medic, Corporal Rhys. Noshiko attempted to put all of the broken pieces of the katana blade in order to repair it and insisted that Kira needed to help her because there wasn't much time left and it was a task that needed to be completed in daylight. Unfortunately for Noshiko, Kira refused to do so until Noshiko told her and Scott everything about what was happening, leading Ken to agree with his daughter and insist that Noshiko give them the information they needed. Though Noshiko ultimately agreed to tell her story, she was still skeptical of Kira's involvement with Scott, as she insisted that Foxes and Wolves tend not to get along, and not just in fables and stories.

When Noshiko explained more about her relationship with Corporal Rhys, Kira cut her off and insisted that neither of them was interested in her "Casablanca story"-- what they wanted to know was how to save Stiles. Noshiko assured her that she was trying to tell him, but neither Kira nor Scott believed her, with Scott pointing out that she was stalling for time, since the Oni would once again be going after Stiles when the sun went down. Kira and Scott refused to believe that their only option was to kill Stiles, but when they asked if Noshiko could call the Oni off, she insisted that once they heard the rest of the story, they wouldn't want her to. Meanwhile, at the Argent Apartment, Allison, Chris, Derek, and Sheriff Stilinski were discussing their own plan to capture, but not kill, Void Stiles, and Derek assured them that both Kira and Scott were in the middle of trying to stop the Oni at the source.

During Noshiko's retelling of her story, she got so upset at the memory of finding out that the camp doctors and MPs were stealing important medications for the campers and selling them on the black market, she accidentally squeezed a shard of the katana blade in her hand so tightly that she cut her palm open. Kira was immediately horrified and asked her what she did, but she was stunned into silence when Ken handed Noshiko a tissue, which Noshiko used to wipe up the blood before revealing that her hand was totally healed. When Kira demanded to know how she did that, Noshiko informed her that, as Kitsune, it was one of their gifts, and that Kira had to have noticed by now that she never gets sick, which is due to her accelerated healing and perfect immune system gained from her Kitsune heritage. This gave Noshiko an opportunity to segue the conversation with Kira and Scott into a discussion of the riot at Oak Creek, which occurred after the loss of medications led to dozens of deaths from pneumonia, including a young boy named Michio. When Noshiko detailed the riot, which led to even more deaths at the hands of the MPs who shot at the Japanese internees, it was revealed that Noshiko's good friend, Satomi Ito, who was interned at Oak Creek with her, had been bitten and turned into a Werewolf like Scott, which ultimately led her to accidentally kill Corporal Rhys with a Molotov cocktail when MP Merrick pistol-whipped her across the face and caused her to transform during the riot.

Kira was horrified by this revelation, as well as the fact that Noshiko herself nearly died after being shot dozens of times in the riot and was believed to be dead by the doctors. It was because Noshiko was so hurt that she prayed to their Kitsune ancestors for kitsune-tsuki, or possession by a Fox spirit, so that a powerful Nogitsune who fed on chaos, strife, and pain could possess her body, giving her the power to heal and take revenge on the camp, since she had since learned that the riot and subsequent deaths would be covered up by the US government. Kira, now genuinely curious, asked Noshiko what happened next, forcing an emotional Noshiko to confess that since trickster spirits can have very dark senses of humor, the Nogitsune she summoned ended up possessing Rhys' dead body rather than Noshiko as she had planned. It was this mistake that caused the Nogitsune to descend on the camp and kill all the survivors of the riot, both the American soldiers to the Japanese/Japanese-American internees alike. While she finished the story, Noshiko insisted that Kira hurry in helping her reassemble the sword, since the night was coming.

After Noshiko told them about how she and Satomi worked together to force the Nogitsune back into its fly form and trap it in a jar, she reminded them of a French lesson she had given Rhys in 1943 about the idiom "Coup de foudre," which can mean "bolt of lightning" or "love at first sight," before explaining that what they needed now was a literal bolt of lightning. When she went on to say that the blade was shattered by the Nogitsune, but Kira could put it back together, Kira asked her why she couldn't just do it herself, leading Noshiko to reveal that Kira was a Thunder Kitsune, unlike herself. Noshiko went on to ask her if she trusted her, but Kira insisted that since she just learned that Noshiko is nine hundred years old and had lied to her for her entire life, she wasn't sure she would be able to trust her ever again. Noshiko insisted that Kira trust her on this and took her by the hand, pushing it so that Kira's flat palm was hovering a few inches above the blade. With Noshiko's guidance, Kira's ice-blue foxfire shocked the blade and magically reforged it with the electricity running through it.

Once the blade was repaired, Noshiko held it out, handle-first, so that Kira could take it, informing her that her own power now belonged to Kira. When Kira pointed out that she might not want it, Noshiko insisted that she needed it and tossed her the sword, which Kira easily caught and spun in the air by reflex. Noshiko smiled and reminded Kira that it gave her balance before pointing out that her power now belonged to Kira, and that if the Oni weren't strong enough to defeat the Nogitsune, she would need to do it herself, even if it meant seeking out a Wolf to help her. Both Kira and Scott became angry at these words, and when Scott pointed out that Noshiko hadn't told them anything, Noshiko made it clear that their only option to save Stiles was to kill him. Despite Noshiko and Ken's protests, Kira and Scott insisted that there had to be another way to save him before they left to go track down Stiles, who had left a message for Sheriff Stilinski that indicated he would be at Derek's loft.

In De-Void,

In Insatiable,

In The Divine Move,

In The Dark Moon, Kira officially joined Scott's pack and helped them rescue Derek from Mexico.

In 117, she aided Scott and his friends when they fought the Berserkers at Beacon Hills High School.

In Muted, Kira was surprised to hear of her parents' intention to move back to New York following the defeat of the Nogitsune and purposely sabotaged the open house that evening by destroying the "For Sale" sign in their yard. She also officially began a romantic relationship with Scott McCall.and against her parent's decision wanting to move back to New York in Muted.

In The Benefactor, Kira tricked Liam into going to Lydia's lake house for a party, when in reality, the McCall Pack intended to give Liam an intervention to try to get him to understand his new supernatural nature as a Werewolf and the risks involved with the full moon. She later knocked the out-of-control Liam during his first true transformation in order to save Scott. She slow danced and kissed Scott while Liam was unconscious. Kira then aided Lydia when she cracked the code to the computer program she wrote in a Banshee fugue state, which unlocked a hit-list of supernatural creatures referred to as the Deadpool.

In I.E.D., Kira assisted Scott, Stiles, and Liam in finding Demarco Montana and Carrie Hudson's killers, ultimately learning that it was Garrett and Violet. She then learned that her mother, Noshiko Yukimura, was also on the Deadpool for $5 million.

In Weaponized,

In Time of Death,

In Monstrous, on the last night of the Deadpool, Kira and Scott helped Satomi and her pack survive against the remaining assassins until Stiles and Malia shut down the computers powering the list.

In A Promise to the Dead, following the end of the Deadpool, Kira and Scott had a date in Derek's apartment, which was interrupted when they were captured by Kate Argent and taken to Mexico.

In Smoke and Mirrors, during her time at La Iglesia, Kira created her first Kitsune tail with a piece of obsidian. When she returned to Beacon Hills after being saved by the McCall Pack, her father modifies it to look like a Japanese shuriken.

In Damnatio Memoriae,

In Codominance,

In The Sword and the Spirit,

In Amplification,

In Lie Ability,

In A Credible Threat,

In The Beast of Beacon Hills,

In Apotheosis, Kira finally returned to Beacon Hills from Shiprock and went straight to the underground tunnels, where she found Lydia trapped in a room in one of the sublevels where Theo dropped her. She used her newly-rebuilt katana-belt to slice through the hinges to the locked door before kicking the door inside, and upon seeing Lydia's shocked face, she immediately apologized for being late before the two leave to track down the others. Kira was with Lydia when she attempted to turn Sebastien Valet/the Beast back into Mason Hewitt by Banshee-wailing his name, and when the first attempt didn't work, she encouraged Lydia to try it louder. The two then watched in shock as the Beast turned back into Mason, leaving the Beast itself simply a dark spirit, allowing Parrish to wrap his arms around it to pin it down so Scott could kill it with the pike.

Once the Beast was dead, Theo came from around the corner and attempted to attack the pack with the electromagnokinetic powers he stole from Josh Diaz, but Kira immediately jumped in front of the pack and absorbed the electric bolt through her sword, her Kitsune powers protecting her from harm. Just as her eyes started to glow orange, Kira informed Theo that the Skinwalkers had a message for her before stabbing her sword tip-down into the ground, which allowed the Skinwalkers to open a large sinkhole in the cement floor from which the somehow-reanimated body of Theo's younger sister crawled out. Kira and the rest of the pack watched in horror as Theo's sister grabbed Theo and pulled him into the sinkhole as he pleaded for help, and once they had returned into the earth, the sinkhole repaired itself as though it had never existed.

At the end of the episode, Scott drove Kira back to Shiprock as part of her deal with the Skinwalkers, in which they would help her repair her katana belt if, in exchange, Kira returned to train with them. Scott reminded her that she didn't have to do this, but Kira replied that she needed to-- not for her parents, and not for Scott, but for herself, so she could learn control over her abilities. Kira then gave Scott her obsidian Kitsune tail and asked him to keep it safe for her before kissing him goodbye. She then walked away to join the Skinwalkers, and the four of them vanished in a dust cloud before Scott's eyes.

In Radio Silence, Kira can be seen in Peter Hale's flashback about his escape from Eichen House during the events that took place in Amplification and Lie Ability, specifically the point just before the lockdown took place after guards had found one of their comrades dead after being killed by Tracy Stewart; when the lockdown occurred, Malia reached for the door leading out of the morgue in order to go find Lydia, Scott, Stiles, and Liam, which caused the doorknob to electrocute Malia so hard she flew backwards and knocked Kira down onto the floor in the process.

In Ghosted, Liam Dunbar and Hayden Romero mentioned Kira while trying to come up with a way to harness enough electricity to capture a Ghost Rider, with Hayden stating that she didn't think even Kira was powerful enough to pull it off. This led Hayden and Liam to realize that Theo Raeken, who had been imprisoned in the ground by Kira (with help from the Skinwalkers) would possibly be able to do it due to the fact that he had stolen Josh Diaz's Chimera power of Electromagnetokinesis. Later, the two met with Noshiko Yukimura, who explained that Kira had left her sword in her care while she continued to train with the Skinwalkers, and who warned them against what they planned to do before reluctantly giving them Kira's sword.

In Blitzkrieg, Liam, at a loss for options, broke Kira's sword in exchange for what Theo knew about Garrett Douglas and his connection to the Ghost Riders.


Kira is a quiet, shy, and loyal young woman, which often causes people to forget just how incredibly powerful she is. Before she gets to know someone, she can be nervous and awkward around them, but once she warms up to them, Kira becomes confident and charming with a very dry sense of humor. She is also quite brave, as demonstrated when she immediately joined the McCall Pack upon learning about the supernatural without any disbelief or fear. Ever since she joined the pack, she has been devoted to helping them in any way she can, even putting her own life on the line to protect them. In fact, when the Dread Doctors' experimentation made her Kitsune powers go out of control, she made the hard decision to leave town to figure it out, despite the fact that she didn't want to leave them without her supernatural assistance, because she couldn't bear the thought of her violent and uncontrollable inner Fox spirit hurting her loved ones.

Kira is also a very street-smart girl who quickly started to gain proficiency in her recently-manifested Kitsune abilities, particularly her intuitive ability to learn how to master melee weapons and engage in close-quarters combat. Upon gaining ownership of her mother's magic katana, Kira became one of the pack's strongest fighters and often fights alongside her boyfriend Scott. However, she is prone to insecurity, especially regarding her relationships with the pack; when this insecurity is combined with frustration at being unable to do something, Kira's first instinct is often to simply give up, such as when her first attempt at siphoning electricity from a box at the high school caused her to lose confidence in herself. However, it is this part of her personality that made her such a good romantic match with Scott McCall, because they both have the power to help each other push past their self-doubt and gain the confidence necessary to complete their missions.

Physical Appearance

Kira is a beautiful, petite young woman with long, wavy black hair, dark brown almond-shaped eyes, and pale skin. Her sense of style is off-beat yet comfortable, often wearing off-the-shoulder tops with skater skirts and leggings or fishnets, paired with a denim or black leather jacket and combat boots. She has a katana that has been modified to turn into a belt when not in use, and the belt buckle has a throwing star built into it, making it an accessory that she wears frequently in case she needs to fight. She wears very little makeup, aside from black or red nail polish, and occasionally wears rings or chain necklaces as well.

Powers and Abilities

As a Kitsune with one tail, Kira possesses many supernatural powers, some of which are common to all Kitsune, and some of which are specific to Thunder Kitsune. Additionally, her powers have been further enhanced by a mysterious procedure performed on her by the Dread Doctors in August 2012, though this has also made them somewhat unstable, as Kira has struggled to regain control over her inner Fox spirit.

  • Super Strength: As a Kitsune, Kira possesses superhuman-level strength, though she is not equal in raw strength to a typical Beta-level were-creature. Even still, Kira has demonstrated that she is still very physically powerful, such as when she managed to knock an Oni flat on its back by hitting it in the stomach with a lead pipe, when she punched a solid boulder of obsidian to break off a shard of the stone that she could use to cut herself and trigger her healing ability, when she cut her mother's katana blade in half with her own sword while they were sparring, and when she was able to plunge the tip of her sword into a solid cement floor in order to help the Skinwalkers open up a sinkhole to capture Theo Raeken. Her super strength was further augmented by the Dread Doctors' experimentation.
  • Super Speed: As a Kitsune, Kira can run at speeds faster than even the finest human athlete. They are among the fastest creatures in the Teen Wolf universe; at full speed, they can run faster than most Alpha Werewolves, though they are not as fast as a Demon Wolf or as a Hellhound. This was evidenced during cross-country season, when Kira, having just begun manifesting her Kitsune abilities, managed to run so fast that she easily lapped Danny Mahealani, the fastest human member of the team.
  • Super Agility: As a Kitsune, Kira is preternaturally agile, and is able to quickly dodge attacks, perform a wide variety of gymnastic and acrobatic feats, and slice arrows in half in mid-air with her katana. This helps her a lot in battle, as it allows her to jump very high and very far and use her heightened strength, speed, and agility together to make her blows more powerful. This also extends to her reflexes, as she was able to catch a stray lacrosse ball just seconds before it made contact with Malia's face, a move that impressed Coach Finstock so much that he asked her to join the lacrosse team. Like Scott McCall, Derek Hale, and Isaac Lahey, Kira is fond of using her enhanced agility and reflexes to perform high jumps, flips and spinning kicks in order to further enhance her fighting in battle or high-intensity situations, such as when she ran on top of a car's hood and roof and performed a backflip off of it so she could more easily grab the live wire that was currently waving around to prevent it from shocking anyone else, or when she performed small front-flips and spinning kicks during both major battles against the Oni and the Nogitsune.
  • Shapeshifting: As a Kitsune, Kira has the ability to make her eyes glow an orange-gold color when she is actively accessing her supernatural powers. It is possible that, with time, wisdom, training and/or additional tails, she can learn to change her form even more than this, as Kitsune have been referred to as "shapeshifters" on several occasions, and Kitsune who are not part-human like Kira gain the ability to take a human form upon reaching 100 years of age, which suggests that they are born into a non-human form.
  • Accelerated Healing: As a Kitsune, Kira is immune to all human illnesses and conditions, and has only been sick once in her life, which was when she was exposed to a modified form of the canine distemper virus that was specifically designed to target supernatural creatures with canine attributes such as Werewolves, Werecoyotes, and Kitsune. Kira can also heal minor injuries like cuts and broken bones in moments, though more severe wounds such as stab wounds to vital areas can take up to several hours. However, despite being born with immunity to human illness, her ability to heal wounds did not manifest for the first time until she consciously activated it by causing herself pain, which seems to be common in shapeshifters who were born rather than transformed. This ability has since been augmented by the Dread Doctors' experimentation, allowing her to heal from more severe wounds within an hour, as evidenced when she was impaled through the shoulder with a spear by one of the Skinwalkers.
    • Longevity: Due to being a spiritual creature as well as a shapeshifter with an enhanced regenerative healing ability that replaces her injured and aging cells at a constant rate, Kira possesses a lifespan that is many times that of a normal human and will retain her youth for most of her extended life. Her mother Noshiko, who is nearly 900 years old (and who looked like a seventeen-year-old girl as recently as 1943), has implied that Kira will live for centuries, and Kira herself has even hinted that she expects to live at least as long as her mother as well.
  • Intuitive Combat and Weaponry Aptitude: Kira, as a Kitsune, has the ability to be able to engage in combat at a high skill level using only her own intuition and muscle memory, both with and without weapons. She once managed to steal a sword from an Oni during her first ever supernatural battle without any training, and was able to use it well enough to hold her own against them until she and Scott made it inside the animal clinic. She was also able to use Allison's mini-crossbow without any prior training during a battle against the Nogitsune-fly possessed Isaac Lahey, Ethan, and Aiden. This ability has been augmented by the Dread Doctors' experimentation, making her an even more formidable opponent in a fight, though she often holds back out of fear of severely harming or killing whomever she is fighting. According to Kira, her ability to sword-fight "just sort of happened," and though her mother Noshiko has given her some instruction on swordplay, most of what she can do has been demonstrated intuitively, suggesting that Kitsune all have innate combat and weaponry skills.
  • Foxfire Production/Electrokinesis: As a Thunder Kitsune, Kira has the ability to create, absorb, control, and manipulate electricity, lightning, and foxfire, which she can use for a wide variety of effects. Foxfire is typically a special kind of fire or lightning created by all Kitsune by rubbing their tails together; since Kira is a Thunder Kitsune, her foxfire takes the form of lightning or electricity, and she could produce it even before she had tails to rub together. This ability is often used unconsciously by Kira's Kitsune spirit to defend itself against those intending her harm, such as when Kira first created foxfire to shock William Barrow when he tried to electrocute her to death (inadvertently causing a city-wide blackout in the process), or when she accidentally shocked a physician from the Centers for Disease Control when she tried to take Kira's blood for testing. Kira has also shown a great versatility when actively using this power, such as when she siphoned the electricity from a live wire at the hospital to prevent anyone else from being electrocuted by it, when she used it to repair her mother's shattered katana blade, when she used it to severely slow Scott's heart to fake his death, and when she transferred electricity from her body into hundreds of light bulbs hung up at Derek's loft.
    • Electricity Immunity: Because of Kira's electrokinesis and foxfire production, she is immune to the effects all forms of electricity. If exposed to live electricity or lightning, it will be harmlessly absorbed into her body, which she can then use to boost her already formidable electrokinetic abilities. In fact, it has even been implied in the series that lightning and electricity can actually make her stronger, although this also causes the fox spirit inside of her to gain more control over her human identity
  • Intuitive Bilingualism: Kira has been shown to speak fluent Japanese, in addition to American English, despite never having studied the language. However, this ability is not always consistent; when her Kitsune spirit is in control, she can easily speak fluent Japanese, but on one occasion while Kira herself was in control, she admitted that she had never learned anything but simple greetings in the language despite being of Japanese heritage through her mother's side. This suggests that the ability to speak Japanese fluently is inherent in all Kitsune, regardless of whether or not they grew up speaking the language or living in Japan like Noshiko did.


  • Wolfsbane: As a canine supernatural creature, Kira appears to be vulnerable to wolfsbane, though it doesn't seem to weaken her as much as it does werewolves and werecoyotes. This was demonstrated in The Dark Moon when she was exposed to wolfsbane fog at the Calavera Compound that weakened her enough to be knocked out by the hunters.
  • Letharia Vulpina: As a canine supernatural creature, Kira is vulnerable to the lichen known as letharia vulpina, or "wolf lichen." It is toxic to regular foxes, wolves, and coyotes, and as a result, it can temporarily weaken a kitsune, werewolf, or werecoyote if they ingest it in some way, such as eating it or being injected with a solution made of it.
  • Modified Canine Distemper Virus: As a canine supernatural creature, Kira is vulnerable to the modified canine distemper virus created by The Chemist during the Deadpool. Though it was meant to kill canine werecreatures, it also had adverse effects on Kira, who suffered neurological deficits and weakness before going blind after she was exposed to it. However, it was later revealed that this virus can be both cured by and inoculated against with wild purple reishi mushrooms.
  • Mountain Ash: As a supernatural creature, Kira is affected by mountain ash, which is most often used to create boundaries that prevent a supernatural from entering or leaving a specific area. She is unable to touch rowan wood in its whole form or as an ash, and in some places with especially high concentrations like Eichen House, it can cause her to feel weak, as though she's been sedated, just by being near it.
  • Telluric Currents: As a Thunder Kitsune, Kira's powers can have adverse effects when in the vicinity with certain powerful convergences of telluric currents, such as the one that protects and guards Eichen House. When she is in their range, her abilities will go out of control, causing her electrokinesis to be involuntarily activated and overpower the electrical system. It is unknown if just her being a Kitsune was enough to cause such a reaction if it is a side effect of the procedure the Dread Doctors performed on her that overcharged her powers, or if both are the case.
  • Unstable Kitsune Spirit: Due to experimentation that was done to her by the Dread Doctors that involved summoning a lightning bolt into a lightning rod placed in her eye, Kira's Kitsune spirit appears to be acting independently Kira's will, causing Kira's body to be wielded by it like a weapon. This has caused Kira to act erratically at times when the Kitsune spirit has taken over, such as when she almost killed Lucas in Condition Terminal and her mother in Strange Frequencies, and it's possible she may have actually killed a Chimera at the McCall House when her fox spirit was in control as well. According to Noshiko, if Kira's inner Kitsune becomes too powerful, it will consume her human self completely.


  • Mason and Kira (Friends/Allies)
  • Kira and Ken (Father/Daughter)
  • Kira and Tracy (Enemies)
  • Kira, Malia and Lydia (Best Friends, Ex-Packmates)
  • Kira and Theo (Enemies)
  • Kira and Allison (Friends, Ex-Packmates)
  • Kira and The Skinwalkers (Mentors/Mentee)



  • Kira is a feminine given name of ancient origins which has multiple etymological derivations. One variation is the Hindi and Sanskrit name Kiran, which means "beam of light." In Egyptian, the word Ki-Ra means "like Ra," with Ra being the name of the Egyptian sun god. Kira could also be modeled after the Greek ĪŗĻĻĪ¹ĪæĻ‚ (kĆ½rios), meaning "lord," the female form of which is ĪŗĻ…ĻĪÆĪ± (kyrĆ­a); since kĆ½rios was the basis for the masculine name Cyrus or Cyril, meaning "throne," Kira could be a feminine variation of these names. In Russian, Kira is the feminine form of the male name ŠšŠøр (Kir), meaning "mistress" or "ruler," and is also translated to mean "leader of the people," "one the people look to," or "beloved." Kira is also one of several forms of the Irish name Ciara, which means "dark," and which is typically given to children who are born with dark hair and/or complexions.
    • Both the light and the dark connotations of the various names can be attributed to Kira's character. However, the most relevant etymology of the name Kira in regards to her character is the Japanese name Kira, which is common in Japan as both a given name and a family name. The phrase kira kira means "glittery" or "shiny," but the single noun kira is written phonetically with katakana due to the fact that its a foreign word borrowed from the English word "killer."
  • Yukimura is a locational family name stemming from the Japanese words é›Ŗ (yuki), meaning "snow" or "happy," and ꝑ (mura), meaning "town" or "village."


  • Kira was listed at $6 million on the Deadpool hit-list.
  • Kira is Japanese on her mother's side (hence her Kitsune heritage) and is Korean on her father's side.
  • She is the first woman to be shown playing on Beacon Hills High School's otherwise all-male lacrosse team. Her jersey number is 15.
  • Kira possesses a belt that has been somehow modified (either scientifically or magically) to extend into a katana, which also has a detachable metal throwing star on the buckle, allowing her to be discretely armed at all times. She also has a set of glow-stick nunchakus that she uses when the situation calls for it.
    • According to Ken, the katana belt was forged by a special power, and it was ultimately reforged using the combined powers of the three Skinwalkers.
  • Though the physical representations of her mother's Kitsune tails were in the form of black ceramic daggers called kaikens, Kira's first and only tail so far is made of obsidian and is shaped like a shuriken, an Occidental throwing star.
  • Unlike most Kitsune, who supposedly cannot take the shape of a human unless they are at least one hundred years old, Kira has always had a human form, most likely due to her half-human heritage on her father's side.
  • Kira is identical to the way her mother Noshiko looked during her time as an internee at Oak Creek Internment camp throughout World War II, though whether this is just genetics or due to their Kitsune nature is still unknown.
  • Kira has been shown to speak Japanese when her Kitsune spirit is in control, even though she claims she doesn't know how to speak Japanese or Korean despite being of both ethnicities. This could mean that all Kitsune spirits can communicate in Japanese and that Kira might need to consciously tap into the ability.
  • In Creatures of the Night, Kira was experimented on by the Dread Doctors, who inserted a lightning rod into her eyeball and summoned a lightning bolt into it, which overflowed her body with electricity and caused her Kitsune spirit to not only become more powerful but out of balance with Kira's human self, causing the two spirits to war with each other over control of Kira's body, a war that Kira appears to be losing.
    • As of The Sword and the Spirit, Kira has been forbidden to wield her katanas, because according to her father, her swords are a gateway to her Kitsune spirit, and because it is too powerful at the moment, she needs to avoid letting it take control so she can "out-fox" it. This seemed to be confirmed in A Credible Threat, when Kira was seen lapsing into Kitsune-mode while practicing her sword while everyone else was asleep (or, in Scott's case, pretending to be).
    • Kira's internal struggle between her human and Kitsune sides have parallels to Jordan Parrish's current war with the Hellhound spirit who is possessing him, as well as the spirit of The Beast of Gevaudan struggling for control against Mason Hewitt, who it was possessing.
  • According to Arden Cho, she is officially leaving Teen Wolf after the end of Season 5, though the fact that Kira is still training in New Mexico indicates that she could potentially come back at some point, similar to the current arrangements with former costars Tyler Hoechlin (Derek Hale), Daniel Sharman (Isaac Lahey) and Colton Haynes (Jackson Whittemore).
  • After Season 6 ended, Jeff Davis said that Kira is off involved in some phenomenal adventure of her own, having mastered her skills.[1]


  1. ā†‘ tvline.com/2017/09/24/teen-wolf-series-finale-ending-explained-jeff-davis-interview/