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LYDIA: [voiceover] Previously, on Teen Wolf...
LYDIA: I saw everyone, even Ethan and Derek. All of you turned to stone.
KATE: All I want is some old-fashioned revenge! This wolfsbane is going in a bullet for Scott McCall!
PETER: They're coming! Monroe and more... And they have heavy firepower!

[Deucalion is hit by a half-dozen bullets in the chest and collapses onto the cement floor of the shipyard] ("Broken Glass")


[Some time in the near future, Scott is laying on his back in his bed at the MOONLIT PALM MOTOR LODGE, wearing a gray tank top stained with sweat. His eyes are closed as though he's sleeping, and they don't open until the sound of sirens driving past the motel wake him up. He groans and stretches as he sits up in bed and looks around at the open windows, thinking quietly for a moment until he's interrupted by the sound of someone pounding on the door. Scott stands to his feet and grabs a tshirt off of the nearby chair before he answers it. Argent is standing outside of the door, and gives Scott a look before he speaks]

ARGENT: Let's go.

[The scene cuts to outside of the motel, where Argent opens the door to his black SUV, and Scott, now wearing a blazer and a gray tshirt, hops onto a black motorcycle. The sunset has colored the sky behind them in warm shades of purple, pink, and orange as the two share a look before they set off for their destination]

[As the scene cuts to DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES, Scott speaks in voiceover]

SCOTT: [voiceover] I'm going to tell you a story. Maybe it'll sound familiar.

[As Scott speaks, a young boy, Alec, is running through a neighborhood in Little Mexico as he is pursued by Hunters in black clothing. He quickly jumps over a chain-link fence and runs through puddles illuminated by the colorful sunset]

SCOTT: [voiceover] There was this kid-- sixteen, alone, and running for his life.

[Alec turns a corner and runs through a dark alley, dodging cars and attempting to stay out of the Hunters' line of sight. He stops for a moment, leaning against a support column as he catches his breath]

SCOTT: [voiceover] He couldn't see them, but he could hear them getting closer. They had guns, crossbows. They were hunting him.

[Alec suddenly hears the footsteps of Hunters approaching and turns to see two men, each with a crossbow and an assault rifle aimed at him from several meters away. He ducks just in time for a shot arrow to miss his head and bury itself in the support beam before running away, trying his best to keep as much distance between himself and the Hunters as possible. He jumps down off of a platform and heads toward the warehouse district as the Hunters shoot off another arrow at him, which hits the dumpster next to him. However, when the last arrow is shot at him, it hits him right in the leg]

[In the warehouse, a trail of blood is seen on the floor as Alec, with the arrow burrowed in his thigh, staggers to a nearby support column and collapses onto the floor. ]

SCOTT: [voiceover] It started on the night of the full moon. Something came at him-- something bit him-- and it changed his life. It changed everything.

[Alec has just gotten settled on the floor when suddenly, he hears the sound of a Werewolf roaring at the top of his lungs before a large amount of gunfire goes off for several long moments. Terrified, Alec assumes that they were the Hunters who were after him, but it is actually Scott and Argent who step out behind the construction tarps. Scott's eyes are blazing red, and the sight of it causes Alec's eyes to glow gold for several seconds. Scott and Argent share another knowing look before Scott kneels in front of Alec and pulls out the arrow as gently as possible, though it still causes him pain]

[The scene cuts to a dark road at night, where Scott, Argent, and Alec are driving in Argent's SUV. Scott, in the passenger seat, looks back at Alec in the backseat as the young teen thinks about the night's events]

SCOTT: What's your name?
ALEC: Alec.
SCOTT: Did I get it right, Alec?

[Alec remains silent for a moment before he speaks]

ALEC: Is that what happened to you?
SCOTT: I've got my own story. But there were parts I didn't expect. People... I thought would be with me forever... are the people I lost.

[Scott looks pointedly at Argent as he continues]

SCOTT: Some people I thought I could never trust... ended up saving my life.

[Argent looks over at Scott with a small smile]

SCOTT: More than once.
ARGENT: We've all got stories.
ALEC: [glumly] Everyone in my story is dead.

[Scott looks at Alec with empathy]

SCOTT: Yeah, but you're not. And now you're with us.
ALEC: So what happens next? Your story... How does it end?

[Scott, looking overwhelmed by the memories, turns back around in his seat and stares out the windshield]


[Back in the present, the scene picks up where Broken Glass left off, with Monroe and her Hunters shooting up the shipyard where Scott, Malia, Lydia, Peter, and Deucalion had just met up, all of whom are equipped with the weapons they received from Gerard. Deucalion has just been critically shot in the chest and abdomen multiple times, and the others have taken cover behind support beams and shipping containers as they plan their next move]

[Scott, hiding behind a stone support column, looks around the corner for a brief moment to find Malia ducked behind a nearby dumpster, though he's forced to move back to avoid being hit by gunfire, which just broke the cement covering the corner he was just standing behind. Deucalion is desperately trying to crawl away to safety, and Peter has just rushed from behind another support column to behind a steel barrel in hopes of it holding up better against the Hunters' ammunition]

[Malia, still ducked down as far as she can against the front of a dumpster, tries to hold the metal container still so Lydia, who is covering her ears to minimize the trauma to her enhanced sense of hearing, remains safe. Scott, who is just barely avoiding being hit where he is, frantically calls out for his girlfriend]


[A Hunter with an assault rifle has just found Scott's hiding spot and is about to shoot him, much to Scott's panic, until suddenly, Stiles' Jeep speeds through the road in front of the shipyard and forcefully hits the Hunter so hard he flies backward. Scott, stunned, looks at Stiles, who gives him a relieved-yet-exasperated look]

STILES: You didn't think you were doing this without me, didja?

[Before Scott can process his best friend's arrival, Derek appears next to the Jeep and smirks at him]

DEREK: Without us?

[Not waiting for a response, Derek immediately lets out his fangs, claws, and glowing blue eyes before roaring and launching himself into the fray, allowing him to easily take down two Hunters in midair]



[With the rest of the pack still pinned down, Derek runs toward a pair of Hunters shooting at his loved ones and snatches one of their rifles out of their hands, using it to knock them out by hitting them in the head with the butt of it and repeating with the next one before snarling and moving on]

[Since Derek's intervention has tilted the fight in their favor, Malia gets out of her hiding spot and rushes toward a Hunter, shoving him hard against the chain-link fence behind him. Without pausing, Malia, using her newly-taught sightless acuity, senses a Hunter behind her and pirouettes before slashing him across the chest several times with her claws. Finally, Malia runs backward to kick the first Hunter in the head, easily knocking him out]

[Near the parking lot, Peter has just shoved a Hunter against one of the stone support columns; though the Hunter blocks his first strike, Peter manages to land a second one before kneeing him in the head. Once that threat has been eliminated, Peter, with his glowing blue eyes and fangs out, roars in glee and goes to find another Hunter to fight]

[Derek has just slammed another of Monroe's men onto the ground like a sack of potatoes, which leads Monroe to realize that they're outmatched. She runs toward her SUV with the rest of the Hunters who are conscious and not badly injured before they drive away. Once they're gone, Stiles, who has been hiding behind the same support column as Lydia since the tide started turning in the battle, makes an exasperated gesture with his hands before shooting her a look]

STILES: I can't believe that you didn't tell me about any of this. Not a word! Not a single word!

[Stiles and Lydia make their way toward the others as Lydia responds in an equally exasperated tone of voice]

LYDIA: We had reasons. Really good reasons.

[They meet up with Malia, Derek, and Peter and join Scott, who had been trying his best to keep Deucalion alive, to no avail. Deucalion's breaths become more and more shallow as he gently thrusts his hand on top of Scott's, a trickle of blood dripping from his mouth. Scott, knowing deep down that Deucalion won't survive, looks devastated as he makes eye contact with his newest mentor and listens to what he has to say]

DEUCALION: [weakly] Gerard... What he f-f-fears most... He can't... beat you...

[Deucalion has difficulty continuing as he slowly runs out of air and time, though he chuckles as if almost in amusement when he realizes how this war ends, smiling in spite of himself]

DEUCALION: ...And he knows it.

[Before Deucalion can say more, his eyes go glassy, his breathing stops, and his hand slips out of Scott's own, confirming his death. Scott, with tears in his eyes, exhales in disappointment as the others gather closely around him. Malia, just as upset by Deucalion's death, shakes her head in disbelief]

MALIA: It's really started, hasn't it?

[Stiles frowns, not knowing what she's talking about]

STILES: What's started?

[Scott stands to his feet, though he doesn't immediately take his eyes off of Deucalion's body]

SCOTT: It's an all-out war.

[When Scott finally turns to look at the rest of his friends, he suddenly remembers that Derek has re-joined them for the first time in over a year and looks at him in shock. Noticing Scott's line of sight, Lydia, Malia, and Peter all turn to look at Derek as well as Scott walks forward and hugs him tightly, though Peter rolls his eyes in the background and sighs before he turns toward his nephew]

PETER: As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion, what are you doing here?

[Derek and Scott break apart, each clapping each other on the shoulder in a brotherly fashion as they do so, before Derek begins to explain his return to his hometown]

DEREK: I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil. There were two words written in blood on the wall-- "Beacon Hills."

[Scott glances backward at Deucalion's body for a moment before turning back to Derek with a surprised look on his face]

SCOTT: You came back for Beacon Hills?

[Derek gives Scott a look as though he should know the real answer]

DEREK: No-- I came back for you.

[Scott looks at Derek gratefully and smiles at him before suddenly, the police radio in Stiles' Jeep starts to chirp and beep. After a moment, Gerard's voice is heard through the speakers, and the pack follows Scott and Stiles to the Jeep. Scott gets into the passenger seat while Stiles gets into the driver's seat, just like old times, while the others circle around the open windows to hear what Gerard has to say. Ever the literary scholar, Gerard recites an modified excerpt from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, which is spoken by Mark Antony in Act 1, Scene 3]

GERARD: [on radio] "Blood and destruction / And dreadful objects so familiar / All pity choked with custom of fell deeds / And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge / With Ate by his side come hot from hell / Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice..."

[Scott and Stiles share a concerned look, clearly unnerved by the message Gerard is sending]

[The scene cuts to ARGENT ARMS INTERNATIONAL, where Gerard is speaking to them through a police radio of his own in the armory. Back at the SHIPYARD, Scott frowns and gulps anxiously]

GERARD: [on radio] Do you know the rest, Scott? Do you know your Shakespeare?

[Scott looks up at Derek, who is standing outside of the passenger door of the Jeep with Malia and who nods to indicate that he knows the answer. Scott picks up the radio microphone and hands it to Derek, who finishes the quote]

DEREK: "Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war..."
GERARD: [on radio] War, indeed. Welcome back, Derek. You must all be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little family reunion I've gathered around you, Scott?

[Scott can't help but roll his eyes, albeit with a grim expression on his face, before he responds over the radio]

SCOTT: Yeah, why don't you come join us, and I can thank you in person.

[Gerard ignores this comment in favor of continuing to make his point]

GERARD: [on radio] I even have a few visitors for you... from London.

[The scene cuts to ARGENT ARMS INTERNATIONAL, where Gerard is speaking into the police radio with one hand and holding a taser baton in the other. The camera pans backward to reveal that he has a bloodied Jackson suspended from the ceiling by his wrists]

GERARD: Even someone like Jackson Whittemore couldn't resist coming back to Beacon Hills.

[Jackson glares at Gerard with fury as Gerard stares at him. Back at the SHIPYARD, Lydia is stunned by the revelation that her dream about Jackson, Derek, and the others being frozen was true, and Stiles looks at her with concern as Gerard continues to speak over the radio]

GERARD: [on radio] Say "Hello," Jackson!

[Gerard jams the tip of the taser wand into Jackson's ribs, and, though he does his best to resist showing his pain to Gerard, he is unable to completely hold in his groans as the electricity courses through him]


[Back at the SHIPYARD, Scott, Derek, and Stiles look horrified by what they're hearing, and Lydia, who has the most history with Jackson of all of them, is unable to listen without squeezing her eyes closed and covering her ears]

[At ARGENT ARMS INTERNATIONAL, Gerard has finally finished his electrical torture of Jackson, who wastes no time threatening him]

JACKSON: Do it again, old man! Come a little closer-- I'm gonna shove that thing so far up your ass!

[Gerard is not at all offended by this comment as he narrates for the pack]

GERARD: He's lost none of his charm, has he? You can find him here with us at the armory, Scott.

[Gerard grins as he continues his monologue]

GERARD: In fact, I'm going to tell you where to find all of them.

[The scene cuts to various locations as Gerard narrates the events of the day in voiceover]

[At EICHEN HOUSE, Parrish is walking slowly through the closed unit. It's clear he's uneasy about what he could potentially find here, as he cautiously grabs his sidearm just before he turns the corner. Right as he crosses the threshold to the next gate, he sees Gerard and three Hunters, including Deputy Ferrell, and sighs deeply]

GERARD: [voiceover] Your deputy Hellhound met some friends of his while responding to a call from Eichen House.

[Parrish, angry at himself for not seeing the trap and frustrated by the fact that his own deputies are apprehending him, decides to be taken without a fight, not willing to hurt any potentially-innocent coworkers who may simply be influenced by the Anuk-ite. Parrish is locked up in Halwyn's former cell, where Gerard turns on the freezer system in order to weaken his powers]

[The scene cuts to the BEACON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, where a healthy-looking Rafael McCall, wearing his usual suit, is roughly thrown into one of the holding cells by more of Monroe and Gerard's deputies. Rafael glares at the Hunters furiously as they lock him inside]

GERARD: [voiceover] Your father was on his way back from San Francisco with the goal of entering the fight... But he didn't get far.

[The scene cuts to BEACON HILLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, where Liam is keeping watch at the doors in the wing that Nolan showed him in the previous episode, where three unconscious men lay in hospital beds, each with oxygen masks on their faces and IV drips of a purple substance believed to be wolfsbane]

GERARD: [voiceover] You might want to tell your mother to skip her shift at the hospital tonight. Liam and his friends are there now. Optimistic of them, but woefully ill-advised.

[Liam moves away from the windows and walks back toward where the men are laying in their beds, looking concerned as the lights out in the hall flicker ominously]

GERARD: [voiceover] This is how you wage war, Scott.

[The scene cuts back to the SHIPYARD PARKING LOT, where Scott and the others look horrified by the picture Gerard has painted with his words]

GERARD: [voiceover] A strategic positioning of your army against theirs. Which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can, and you might even save a few. But, your limited resources will be spread thin, and ultimately, you will fail.

[Scott, overwhelmed by what he's hearing, grimaces and sighs as he squeezes his eyes closed for a moment, clutching the radio so tightly that he nearly crushes it]

GERARD: [voiceover] The dogs of war, Scott... They're coming for you.


[Scott has just called Theo, who is on the road in his truck, driving along a dark back road]

SCOTT: [on speaker] Just buy us more time. Wherever Liam and the others are, get them out of there.

[Theo sighs, his face tense with a grim expression]

THEO: Am I buying you time to come up with a plan, or to get help?
SCOTT: [on speaker] Both.

[Theo, looking determined, ends the call and hits the gas as he goes to help save his allies]


[Lydia has just flipped the animal clinic sign on the door from "OPEN" to "CLOSED" before joining Scott, Malia, Derek, and Stiles in the exam room, where they are gathered around the metal exam table as Stiles and Derek begin to explain how they are involved in the situation]

STILES: So, literally day one of my internship, and up comes this slide about this guy they've been chasing in the woods of North Carolina.

[Malia frowns in confusion as she looks at Derek]

MALIA: I thought you were in South America...
DEREK: I was. The bodies of the wolves I told you about? They blame me.

[Derek's expression is grim, but it's clear by the look on Stiles' face that, though he is exhausted, he's also excited to be back in the supernatural drama of Beacon Hills]

STILES: So, I learn that the FBI has cornered this feral, mass-murdering unsub--

[Before Stiles can continue, Derek cuts him off with a look and his own version of the story]

DEREK: --I found a group of Hunters gathering in a meeting place. I was trying to get information.

[Stiles rolls his eyes before finishing his thought]

STILES: Yeah, well, the FBI found it, too, and they were planning a SWAT assault to take him down, dead or alive.

[Stiles looks over to see Lydia smirking, clearly humoring Stiles, while both Scott and Malia are looking at Stiles and Derek with wide eyes. The sudden attention causes Stiles to become even more awkward]

STILES: And, as we all know, though, with Derek, it's preferably dead.

[Derek is taken aback by this comment at first before finally shrugging, acknowledging the truth in Stiles' words as the debate continues on]

DEREK: Preferably.

[Stiles ignores Derek in favor of moving on with the story]

STILES: So, I convinced them to take me on the field op.

[Scott and Malia are still looking at Stiles and Derek with shock and confusion, while Lydia's expression is both incredulous and impressed by what she's hearing]

LYDIA: You convinced the FBI to bring an intern onto an extremely dangerous field operation?

[Derek rolls his eyes sarcastically before he speaks]

DEREK: I'm surprised he didn't convince them he could lead it.

[Stiles' expression is one of complete sincerity when he responds to this comment]

STILES: I tried-- didn't work.

[Stiles shakes his head slightly before getting to the point]

STILES: Anyway, long story short, I basically had to, you know, save his life.


[At the HUNTER MEETING PLACE, FBI agents are flooding out of the building, many of them badly wounded, as cars skid to a halt nearby. The front doors open, and Stiles, wearing an FBI ballistics vest, has Derek's left arm around his shoulders and is half-carrying him to safety. Panting for breath, Stiles maintains his cool and does his best to keep Derek standing when his injuries bog him down. Derek desperately paws at Stiles' vest with his hands in an effort to stay on his feet as he drags them out of the crossfire]


[Derek looks at Stiles with a mixture of exasperation and offense at what he is implying]

DEREK: ...That's not how it happened.
STILES: [defensively], Yeah, I may have left out a detail, but that's the gist of it.

[Stiles looks over at the others-- Lydia is nodding skeptically, while Scott and Malia look impressed]

STILES: That's the essential essence of it.
DEREK: You couldn't walk.

[Stiles scoffs before trying to save face in an awkward tone of voice]

STILES: ...I was limping...
DEREK: [sighs] You couldn't walk-- and I know that because I was carrying you.


[Sounds of gunfire are ringing loudly as FBI agents all duck for cover and start shooting back. Suddenly, the pair of double doors open to reveal Derek holding Stiles in a bridal carry. Derek's expression is one of annoyance and frustration as Stiles, who seems to have lost his right shoe in the crossfire, dramatically screams in pain at the top of his lungs, his eyes squeezed shut]


[Derek only looks more irritated when Stiles finally opens his eyes to find that he was shot in the foot, and the sight of his blood-soaked sock shocks him so badly that he faints, much to Derek's exasperation]


[Stiles looks at Derek as though he is hurt by Derek's interpretation of their story before scoffing and giving his rebuttal]

STILES: They shot my toe! You wanna see it?

[Derek rolls his eyes and looks at Lydia, Scott and Malia with an expression that seems to say, "You see what I had to deal with?"]

STILES: My toe was caught in the crossfire! It was obliterated!

[Lydia looks at Stiles exasperatedly]

LYDIA: Okay, forget your toe.

[Stiles looks at Lydia, clearly upset with the lack of concern regarding his injuries, and mutters quietly]

STILES: Obliterated...

[Stiles looks over at Scott, who sighs and tries to redirect the conversation back to the task at hand]

SCOTT: Guys, it's not just the Hunters-- we've got another problem.
LYDIA: It's called the Anuk-ite.


[Over at the hospital, Hunters armed with shotguns and assault rifles are slowly making their way through the building as Corey, who is hiding behind the door of a nearby patient restroom with Mason, watches from the small crack in the door. Unintelligible chatter is heard from the Hunters' radios as they spread out]

COREY: They're everywhere.

[Mason, who is looking down at his phone in an attempt to call for help, becomes concerned]

MASON: My phone's not working. I think they're using a cell jammer.
COREY: So what do we do?

[Their concern only grows when the lights start to flicker throughout the hospital]

MASON: We can't leave without Liam, and we can't wait around for help.
COREY: Then it's just you and me.

[Mason looks at Corey with a panicked expression]

MASON: Against them?

[Corey nods as he tries to muster up the confidence and courage necessary to enter the fray]

COREY: Yeah! Why not?

[Mason smiles weakly]

MASON: Is this a weird time to say that I love you?

[Corey smiles back at Mason with adoration]

COREY: Not if I love you, too.

[Mason, too, starts to psych himself up for the upcoming fight]

MASON: We're not dying tonight.
COREY: We're not dying tonight.

[The two lean in for a quick but passionate kiss for a moment before finally pulling away]

COREY: Ready?

[Mason takes a deep breath to steady himself]

MASON: Yeah.

[Corey looks down and takes Mason's hand into his own before he uses his powers to camouflage themselves from the Hunters' sight, with only the slight creaking of the door and quiet footsteps heard to indicate that they left. The lights continue to flicker throughout the patient rooms, hallways, and nurse's station, highlighting the fact that there seem to be no patients whatsoever in the majority of the building, suggesting there may have been an evacuation]

[Over in the morgue, Nolan is still unconscious from his fight with Gabe in the previous episode and is covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Melissa kneels next to him and breaks a packet of smelling salts under his nose to wake him up]

MELISSA: You all right?

[Nolan, looking embarrassed and ashamed, sits up a bit as he remembers what has just happened to him]

NOLAN: Uh... I-I think so...

[Melissa grabs a piece of surgical gauze and starts using it to dab at the bloody wound on the top of his forehead]

MELISSA: Who knocked you out? One of my friends, or one of yours?
NOLAN: [sadly] ...I'm not sure I have any friends right now.

[Though Melissa's occupation as a nurse and someone in need of assistance compels her to help Nolan, it's clear that she is not at all impressed by his involvement with the Hunters]

MELISSA: I'm not sure I blame them.

[Melissa, having finished cleaning up his wound, looks at him with a serious expression as she rises to her feet]

MELISSA: Are you okay to stand? 'Cause I'm gonna need your help.
NOLAN: [confused] With what?
MELISSA: Taking back the hospital.

[She holds out her right arm, revealing she is holding the taser-wand that Scott gave her, which she triggers and causes to crackle with blue electricity to emphasize her point. Nolan looks overwhelmed by the sight of it, but seems to resolve himself to join her]


[In the armory, Gerard takes a small black plastic case off of a nearby shelf and holds it out to Monroe]

GERARD: This is all the yellow wolfsbane we could find.

[Monroe gently takes the wolfsbane-laced bullet out of the case and holds it up to the light so she can see the yellow poisonous liquid inside]

GERARD: Extremely rare... But enough to make one bullet.
MONROE: And more than powerful enough to kill an Alpha.

[Monroe, awestruck, smirks in satisfaction]


[Scott, Malia, Stiles, Lydia, and Derek are still gathered around the exam table in the clinic as they fill Stiles and Derek in on what they missed regarding the Anuk-ite]

SCOTT: It can get into your head, it can make you see things...
STILES: What does it look like?
LYDIA: It used to look like two ordinary people... But, somehow, they merged.

[Stiles looks very unsettled by what he's hearing]

LYDIA: All we know is it's made of two faces-- one human, the other supernatural.
SCOTT: It's a shapeshifter, just like us.

[Scott jerks his head in Malia's direction to indicate that he's referring to himself, Malia, and Derek]

SCOTT: But it knows what you're afraid of-- what you fear most.
MALIA: And now it can kill you just by looking at you.
STILES: [frowns] Okay, so you're telling me that we've gotta go up against this thing blind and face our deepest fear?
SCOTT: Yeah...

[Scott thinks about this for a moment before responding]

SCOTT: Why, what do you fear most?
STILES: Blindness.

[Derek looks amused and incredulous by this answer]

DEREK: Becoming blind?
STILES: Yeah, terrified of it. Always have been.

[When they all look at him blankly, Stiles continues on]

STILES: This just seems to be a situation of unfortunate overlap.

[Scott turns the conversation back to their next move]

SCOTT: Lydia, you and Stiles need to find Argent. Get to the armory and rescue Jackson.
LYDIA: I don't think we have time to wait for him. I've gotten through those doors once anyway, I can do it again.

[Stiles, looking at them incredulously, interjects before they can continue]

STILES: Can we slow it down just for one second to make sure I'm grasping this? So, we're talking about actually doing this? We're gonna do exactly what Gerard wants us to? Is that right?
SCOTT: I think that if we stop the Anuk-ite, we stop it all.
DEREK: Stopping this thing can stop Gerard and the Hunters?
SCOTT: Not all of them are Hunters.
LYDIA: No, he's right. Most of them are ordinary people acting out of fear.
SCOTT: [sighs] Monroe's not gonna change... But I think that we can reach the others. Most of them, actually.
LYDIA: The Anuk-ite is causing them to come from a place of fear.
DEREK: [shrugs] Well, fear's pretty motivating, especially when it leads to anger.
SCOTT: And I think that if we can take out the fear, we can take out the fight in them, too. They're afraid of us, but they don't have to be. They just have to change their minds.
DEREK: We have to change their minds.

[Malia, who is clearly nervous and still slightly affected by the Anuk-ite's fear inducement powers, attempts to get them all ready for battle]

MALIA: Okay. We can face the Anuk-ite. We can try to fight it blind. We can try to face our fears. But, we still need to know how to catch it.

[Malia looks at Scott with a serious expression]

SCOTT: Yeah, we'll figure that out. We always do.
DEREK: Well, it's nice to see someone hasn't lost their optimism.

[Scott smiles weakly at Derek]

SCOTT: Not yet.

[Stiles, who stares off into the distance for a moment, bitterly interjects]

STILES: I have.

[Lydia shoots Stiles another exasperated look before turning to their Alpha]

LYDIA: We will buy you time, Scott. Who knows? Maybe Jackson has the answer.
MALIA: Maybe Argent will come back with one.

[Scott looks at Malia and Derek]

SCOTT: You two, you're with me. And we need Peter-- anyone who can help stop this thing, or slow it down.

[Scott looks over at Malia, and the two share an affectionate expression]

MALIA: Where are we headed?
SCOTT: The high school.
DEREK: That's where we're gonna find this thing?
SCOTT: No. It'll find us.


[Peter has just arrived at the high school, where he's talking to Malia on his cell phone. In the courtyard, he finds two Hunters who have been frozen into stone with their guns still aimed at where the Anuk-ite was standing when they saw it. Peter is clearly unnerved by the sight of them as he examines them closely]

PETER: Umm... two... bodies...? No blood, no wounds.
MALIA: [on speaker] What do they look like?
PETER: Statues.

[Peter turns to look at the other stone body before he adds a snarky comment]

PETER: Greek.

[Malia, clearly terrified, starts to warn Peter about what's coming, but he hangs up and walks toward the school proper before he can truly hear it]

MALIA: [on speaker] Peter, close your eyes! Do it! Close them now!

[Peter strolls into the school's entrance hall like he owns the place, keeping his senses on high alert as wanders through the hallway. Suddenly, he hears what he believes to be Malia's voice calling out to him and stops in his tracks]

MALIA: Dad...?

[It's obvious that the Anuk-ite's fear inducement power is beginning to affect him, but though he seems to know that it's a bad idea, his concern for Malia outweighs his risk of being seen by the Anuk-ite, and he turns around to see who is behind him. Sure enough, the Anuk-ite is standing right in front of the entrance, and his eyes glow bright purple as Peter is petrified into stone, just like the Hunters he found earlier]


[Jackson, who is badly injured and covered in blood from being tortured, is still suspended from the ceiling by his shackled wrists in one of the cells of the armory. After a moment, he seems to get an idea as he looks at the sniper-rifle carrying Hunter watching over him with a smug expression]

JACKSON: You're afraid of me, aren't you? Did they tell you why you should be afraid of me?

[Jackson bites his lip to add to the smirking expression he is giving the Hunter, who does, in fact, seem to be terrified by him]

JACKSON: If you aren't afraid, why don't you come a little closer?

[The Hunter, starting to become embarrassed by his fear, reacts with anger]

HUNTER: Shut up!
JACKSON: It's because I'm still part-Kanima. Do you know what that is?

[The Hunter, who seems to now be both curious and scared, remains silent as Jackson looks up at his clawed hands]

JACKSON: Look at these claws.

[When the Hunter doesn't reply, Jackson jerks his head back in a gesture to beckon him forward]

JACKSON: Come on. Come take a look.

[Despite his better judgment, the Hunter steps forward so that he is closer to Jackson]

JACKSON: These claws produce a venom that can paralyze you.

[The Hunter is now only a few feet away from Jackson as is looking at him with interest]

JACKSON: I even have different eyes.

[The Hunter, now getting scared again, grips his gun tighter]

JACKSON: Watch this.

[Jackson closes his eyes tightly and concentrates for a long moment. When he finally opens them, he has the golden reptilian eyes of a Kanima, contrasting his normally glowing-blue Werewolf irises. The shock of the sight causes the Hunter to jerk back away from him out of fright, and the moment of distraction causes Jackson to lose his control over the appearance of his eyes, indicating it takes a bit of effort to maintain]

JACKSON: I can't-I can't change completely, but it's kind of like having a tiptronic transmission. I can switch from automatic to manual.

[Now that the Hunter is fully distracted by this conversation, Jackson starts to reel him in further]

JACKSON: Do you like cars? I used to drive a Porsche, but, uh, I can't drive sports cars anymore...

[Jackson looks at him with an almost pitying expression that gives the Hunter a bad feeling]

JACKSON: There's no room for my tail.

[Just then, Jackson whips out his Kanima tail and swings it around to grab the alarmed Hunter by the neck and slam him from one wall to the other until he has been knocked unconscious. Once he's done, Jackson uses the tip of his tail to grab the man's keys from his belt so that he can use them to break out of his restraints]


[Scott, Malia, and Derek have just arrived at the high school and are horrified to find that Peter has been petrified into stone. Malia, overwhelmed, pauses for a moment]

MALIA: He's not dead. He can't be.

[The three begin examining the statue more closely with concern as they focus their senses on him. When they hear a quiet heartbeat from inside of the statue, they seem to be slightly relieved]

DEREK: He has a heartbeat, but it's faint.

[He's suddenly distracted by the sound of footsteps approaching them]

DEREK: And we're not alone.

[Scott and Malia share a worried look before Scott looks Peter up and down. When Scott's eyes widen in realization, Malia looks at him with a confused expression]

MALIA: Scott...?

[Scott continues to think for a moment before he finally speaks]

SCOTT: I think I know how to catch it.


[Jackson, now free from his restraints but still covered in blood on his face, neck, and arms from being tortured, is slowly and quietly making his way through the armory, ducking behind corners to ensure he's not spotted before he's ready to fight. He comes upon a steel door at the end of a hall and presses his head close to it to sense how many people are on the other side]

[After hearing what sounds like three or four sets of heartbeats, Jackson backs away from the door, taking deep breaths to physically and psychologically prepare for another battle. However, before he can do so, a groaning sound is heard before gunfire starts to go off. Alarmed, Jackson jumps back a step, only to hear the rest of the noises covered up by a shrill Banshee scream. Before Jackson can wonder what has just happened, the door is kicked open, revealing Stiles standing on the other side. Neither one seemed to be expecting the other, and they are both surprised and awkward with each other]

STILES: Jackson?
JACKSON: Stiles?

[Standing behind Stiles is Lydia, who can't believe who she's seeing]

LYDIA: Jackson?

[Stiles steps out of the doorway, suddenly feeling jealous of Jackson when his eyes widen in shock at the sight of her]

STILES: Already covered that.

[Ignoring Stiles, Lydia runs through the open door and squeals as she jumps into Jackson's arms and hugs him tightly]

LYDIA: Oh my god! It's you! It's really you!

[Jackson laughs as he hugs her back, while Stiles continues to look jealous and uncomfortable]

STILES: Okay... All right... That's nice... Okay, not too close. Watch the hands.

[After a moment, Stiles can't bear it anymore and pulls them apart]

STILES: Okay! All right, let's just break that up.

[Stiles pats Jackson patronizingly on the shoulder with his hand, and Lydia continues to smile at Jackson, who suddenly sees five different hunters who are laying unconscious with bloody heads outside of the door and gestures between Lydia and Stiles with an awestruck expression]

JACKSON: You did that?

[Lydia looks back at the unconscious Hunters and takes credit for the assault with a smile]

LYDIA: I did it.

[Jackson looks impressed by how powerful Lydia has become in his absence, and Stiles, offended to not be included in the won battle, can't help but interject]

STILES: I kicked down the door.

[Jackson looks at Stiles warily before they change the subject, though Lydia does pat Stiles proudly on the arm]

STILES: Now that we've all contributed, you wanna get the hell out of here, huh?

[Jackson looks at the two of them with concern]

JACKSON: Not without Ethan.

[Jackson walks between Lydia and Stiles as he heads through the open door, and the two both look surprised by this news despite Lydia having had a premonition of Ethan the day before]

LYDIA: Ethan? What's Ethan doing here?

[Jackson stops walking and turns to face them before he sighs]

JACKSON: He's with me.
LYDIA: [confused] He's with you?

[It's clear that the topic of conversation is moving into uncomfortable territory for Jackson, though he manages to keep his cool]

STILES: Ethan?
JACKSON: Yes. Ethan.
LYDIA: [slowly] And... you...
STILES: [confused] Ethan?

[Lydia and Stiles quickly come to the correct conclusion about Jackson's sexuality and their eyes widen in surprise]

LYDIA: Oh... my... god.

[Jackson looks worried about what Lydia's reaction is going to be, but it isn't what he expects]

LYDIA: I thought you'd never figure it out.

[Jackson laughs uncomfortably for a moment and rolls his eyes before returning the subject to the task at hand]

JACKSON: Can we go find him now?

[Just then, Stiles' phone buzzes]

STILES: Oh, hang on.

[Stiles pulls his phone out of his jeans pocket and answers it when he sees that it is Scott who is calling him]

SCOTT: [on speaker] Are you still at the armory?
STILES: We are. Leaving momentarily, though.
SCOTT: [on speaker] There's something I need you to get first.

[After the two hang up, Stiles opens the sliding steel door to the trophy room and goes inside, grimly taking note of the wolf and coyote skulls, claws, and fangs on display before finally finding what he is looking for in the far right corner of the room]


[Liam is still posted at the double doors of the new wing where Nolan showed him the three bodies hooked up to what look like wolfsbane IVs, looking down at his phone and looking concerned by the fact that the cell jammers are preventing him from calling for back-up]

[Suddenly, the man in the far right bed slowly pulls a handgun out from underneath the sheets of his bed, revealing that he's not a supernatural creature being poisoned, but a Hunter as part of a trap for Liam and his friends. Unfortunately for the Hunter, Liam's keen Werewolf senses allow him to pick up on what he was doing and intervene before he can get two shots out]

[The scene then cuts to outside the hallway, where the Hunter flies out of the double doors and hits the wall, knocking him out. When Liam runs out to make sure that he's unconscious, he hears more guns cocking and turns down the hall, becoming alarmed when he sees Gabe and two other Hunters aiming guns at him. Gabe, holding a shotgun-style assault rifle, stops his cohorts before they can move]

GABE: Wait-- let me do it.

[Liam's eyes widen in shock as Gabe takes aim at him, and he quickly walks backwards toward the elevator, not wanting to turn his back and risk getting hit by gunfire]

GABE: Go ahead, Liam. Run. It'll be more fun that way.

[Liam continues to frantically back up until he's nearly pressed against the doors of the elevator. Just as the Hunters are about to shoot, the elevator doors open, and a black-clad figure reaches out and wraps Liam in a bear hug before quickly spinning them both back into the elevator and out of sight, the doors shutting right when the gunfire breaks out. Liam looks up to find a frazzled-looking Theo with him and is shocked to see that he saved his life]

LIAM: [pants] What are you doing here?
THEO: I was just asking myself the same thing.

[Liam looks at the elevator door, which is quickly being dented by all of the gunfire being shot at them]


[Two Hunters armed with assault rifles are running down the hallway while Scott, Malia, and Derek hide in the nearby stairwell. Once the Hunters are out of earshot, they begin to quietly plan their next move]

MALIA: We can't just hide. Peter's not going to last like that.
DEREK: Well, neither will we if that thing finds us, too.
SCOTT: We've got to wait for Stiles.

[Malia sighs impatiently]

MALIA: I'm not waiting here.

[Before Scott and Derek can react, Malia leaps down the steps into the entrance hall, forcing them to follow after her. When they finally catch up to her, Scott grabs her gently by the wrist to stop her]

SCOTT: Whoa, hey, Malia, hold on!

[Suddenly, Scott senses someone approaching them and stops what he's doing in favor of turning in the opposite direction. In doing so, he finds Monroe standing at the other end of the hall, holding a black handgun that she aims at Scott's chest and shoots before he can even react. The bullet misses a center mass hit and instead lodges itself just below his right collarbone with so much force that he falls backward onto the floor]

SCOTT: [in pain] AGH!

[Malia wastes no time turning toward him with worry and concern]

MALIA: Scott?
SCOTT: [frantically] No, I'm okay! Don't let her go!

[Just as Monroe turns to leave, Malia partially transforms with her glowing blue eyes, fangs, and claws, and roars in fury at her before running after the Huntress, who immediately flees out of the double doors and into her SUV. Meanwhile, Derek has Scott's right hand gripped into his own and his left hand supporting Scott's neck as he helps him into a seated position, which causes Scott even more pain]


[Scott presses his left hand against his bleeding wound and is alarmed when he sees that his blood is tinged with the yellow wolfsbane serum. Derek, immediately recognizing it and remembering what Kate said in the previous episode about putting it in a bullet, looks at Scott with worry]

DEREK: No, you're not okay. It's yellow wolfsbane. It's gonna kill you.

[Scott's eyes widen in shock and horror]

SCOTT: What?


[More Hunters are making their way through the hospital, all armed with numerous firearms and other weapons. Two are slowly making their way down a hallway, both on high alert as they check every room to make sure no one is hiding there]

[Suddenly, it appears as the Hunter in the front is thrusting their rifle forward before hitting himself in the head with it and knocking himself out, while the other is mysteriously slammed against the wall before also falling unconscious to the sound of a metal clang. Once they're both down, Corey and Mason materialize next to the unconscious bodies, revealing that Mason is holding a steel bed pan. They both pause for a brief moment to catch their breath from the exertion of fighting while still holding hands to stay invisible]

COREY: You okay?
MASON: Yeah...

[Mason suddenly frowns as he holds up the pan]

MASON: Except I think this bedpan was still being used. Ugh.

[Grossed out, Mason drops the bed pan onto the nearest Hunter, causing its contents to splash out all over him before the two leave]


[Ethan is on his hands and knees in the armory, panting from exhaustion and pain when Jackson and Lydia finally find him, with Stiles seemingly having left to bring Scott what he needed from the trophy room. The two rush over to check on Ethan, who is also covered in blood from being tortured but is otherwise fine]

ETHAN: How did you get out before me?

[Jackson puts a reassuring hand on Ethan's arm, clearly relieved to have found him alive, and tries to play it cool by lying]

JACKSON: Well, I talked my way out of it...

[Ethan rolls his eyes before giving him an exasperated look]

ETHAN: You used the tail, didn't you?

[Jackson smile falls after being called out by his boyfriend, and Lydia's eyes widen in horror]

LYDIA: You still have a tail?

[Ethan simply shakes his head]

ETHAN: So gross.

[Jackson sighs before beckoning Ethan forward and standing to his feet]

JACKSON: Can you just get up?

[Jackson holds out his hand to help Ethan to his feet as well]

JACKSON: Let's go.


[Liam and Theo are still hiding in one of the hospital's elevators, where the gunfire from outside in the hallway seems to have died down. Theo looks concerned when he sees Liam focusing his sense of hearing on what is going on in the hallway]

THEO: They still out there?

[Liam nods when he hears the sounds of several heartbeats outside. Theo becomes overwhelmed by what they're facing at this news]

THEO: Look, I'm not dying for you.
LIAM: I'm not dying for you, either.

[The two share a serious look, and Liam pauses to think for a moment before he speaks again]

LIAM: But, I will... fight with you.

[Theo seems to be somewhat touched by Liam's allegiance and sighs before smiling wryly]

THEO: Okay. Let's fight.

[The scene cuts to outside the bullet-riddled elevator doors, which open to reveal the partially-transformed Liam and Theo, who growl aggressively before the rush into the fray to begin the fight in earnest]

[Theo and Liam work as a good fighting pair, with each of them running toward their respective walls, kicking off of them in order to gain momentum to slam the first two armed Hunters they come upon against the walls and knock them out. Theo goes ahead of Liam, sliding on his knees and tossing a third Hunter onto the floor while Liam slams the head of the second Hunter against the wall for good measure]

[Just as Theo shoves a fourth Hunter backward, Liam takes advantage of Theo being bent over to do a barrel roll off of his back and kick the same Hunter in the face. One Hunter is left, and Liam lunges toward him, knocking his gun out of his hand before ducking so that Theo can leap-frog over him and punch him in the head before they both team up to shove him against the wall]

[Panting from exertion, Theo and Liam share a relieved look when it appears that the battle has ended, but the sound of an injured Hunter sitting up and cocking his firearm causes them to freeze in fear. Fortunately, before they can even react, Melissa appears and uses her taser-wand at full force to electrocute the Hunter and finally neutralize him. When another begins to rise to his feet, Nolan rushes through, picks up a nearby rifle that had been dropped on the ground, and hits him in the back of the head with the butt of it to knock him out]

[Suddenly, Gabe appears behind Theo and Liam, who are too distracted by Melissa and Nolan's arrival to notice until it's nearly too late. Nolan sees them first and yells for Theo and Liam before he and Melissa take cover]

NOLAN: Get down!

[Theo and Liam turn back to see Gabe aiming his assault rifle at them, causing Theo to waste no time putting his arm around Liam's shoulders and thrusting them both forward as fast as he can so they can duck. Gabe starts shooting round after round, which initially miss Theo and Liam, but which ultimately hit them in the back of where the right shoulder and arm meet and the back of the left calf, respectively. Both end up on the ground, clutching their wounds in pain as Gabe continues shooting]


[Derek has Scott's right arm around his shoulder as he half-carries him into the nearby science lab to treat his wounds]

DEREK: Okay, sit down. Sit down.

[Derek gently seats Scott on one of the stools before beginning to rifle through the nearby cabinet while Scott, already weak from the poison, starts to object]

SCOTT: Derek, just go! Help Malia, please.

[Derek continues to search the cabinet while he responds]

DEREK: I'm not worried about her. We've gotta get rid of this. There's only one way to get rid of wolfsbane--

[Derek finds a small, hand-held blowtorch in the cabinet and hits the trigger to make sure it works, causing a small blue flame to come out]

DEREK: --You burn it out.

[Scott's eyes widen in alarm when he realizes what Derek needs to do]

SCOTT: Wait...

[Derek quickly rushes over to him before he can protest further]

DEREK: Look, you're not going to be able to do much until you heal.
SCOTT: If I'm right, we just need Stiles to get here.

[Derek once again hits the trigger of the blowtorch to light it, and Scott reluctantly resigns himself to being burned to save his life]

SCOTT: Okay...

[Derek touches the flame to the bullet wound on Scott's shoulder, causing the yellow wolfsbane to burn out in a cloud of yellow smoke as he roars in agony]


[Scott grips Derek's free arm tightly, which Derek endures in order to keep him upright for as long as possible. As soon as the wolfsbane is out, Scott goes boneless, and it takes all of Derek's speed and agility to drop the torch and catch him before he falls off the stool and onto the floor]

DEREK: Whoa, whoa, it's okay. I gotcha. I gotcha.

[Derek gently lowers Scott onto the floor, tossing the stool out of the way, and looks relieved that Scott is okay, though he's now unconscious]

DEREK: [whispers] All right. Okay.

[Suddenly, Derek gets hit with the aura of fear inducement that the Anuk-ite surrounds himself with, and though he doesn't exactly look afraid, it's clear that he's using all his strength to keep it together against the sensation. Derek slowly rises to his feet, his blue Werewolf eyes and fangs out as he looks around and snarls in warning. Knowing Scott is safe for the moment, Derek leaves to investigate]

[Meanwhile, Lydia, Ethan, and Jackson have just arrived at the school themselves and are slowly approaching the main doors to the entrance hall. Lydia leads them inside, quietly opening the double doors, while Ethan and Jackson follow behind her, all of them on high alert for the Anuk-ite and/or the Hunters. As they make their way through the hall, Lydia reminds them of what they're up against]

LYDIA: Remember, you can't look at it-- you have to fight it blind.
ETHAN: How about we don't fight it. Just get our friends, and get the hell out of here.
JACKSON: [shrugs] Works for me.

[Suddenly, the three of them are hit with the effects of the Anuk-ite's fear aura, which is so strong that all of them stumble to stay standing, as though it is affecting their sense of equilibrium and ability to see clearly while also making them immensely terrified]

LYDIA: It's here.

[Lydia continues to stare straight down the hall as her vision starts to clear slightly]

LYDIA: [panicked] Shut your eyes.
JACKSON: Lydia--

[Lydia ignores him and repeats herself]

LYDIA: Shut your eyes!

[Lydia follows her own instructions and closes her eyes, preventing her from seeing Jackson and Ethan]


[Parrish is kneeling on the floor of Halwyn's cell in Eichen House, shivering cold and turning blue from hypothermia while Deputy Ferrell and two other deputies stand watch outside in the hallway. Deputy Ferrell is looking in the cell through the window on the door as he talks to his coworkers]

FERRELL: Look at him. Do you think he's dying?

[Suddenly, Stilinski's voice is heard as he enters the hallway in civilian clothes]

STILINSKI: Not likely.

[Stilinski has a smug smirk on his face as he approaches his deputies, all of whom are shocked and a little unnerved by the sight of him]

STILINSKI: It's not that easy to kill a Hellhound.

[As Stilinski swaggers toward him with a confident expression, the deputies spread out and keep their hands on their sidearms, unsure of what to expect]

STILINSKI: You know that's what he's called, right? I mean, if you're going to wander into this world, you might as well have all the information.

[Ferrell, concerned by what Stilinski could do, pulls out his sidearm and aims it at his boss]

FERRELL: Nobody here wants to get hurt.

[Stilinski stops walking when he's only a foot or two away from Ferrell, not even fazed by the gun pointed at his chest]

STILINSKI: Well, then put your gun down, Deputy. You're not going to shoot me.

[Ferrell keeps his gun aimed at Stilinski, while one of the other deputies has his gun aimed at the floor in case its needed, and the other's sidearm is still in his holster]

FERRELL: We're not gonna let you take him out of here, either.

[Stilinski makes a face that indicates he's appalled by the suggestion]

STILINSKI: Well, I don't know about that-- there's only three of you.

[Ferrell can't help but laugh as he holsters his weapon]

FERRELL: Stilinski--

[Stilinski immediately cuts him off before he can continue]

STILINSKI: Sheriff. You'll refer to me by my proper title... Deputy.

[Ferrell continues to be amused by Stilinski's attitude]

FERRELL: What are you, like, sixty?

[Stilinski sneers at Ferrell for a quick moment before sucker-punching him right in the nose. The first unnamed deputy grabs Stilinski by the shoulder, but before he can do anything further, Stilinski grabs his hand and twists his arm behind his head, kicking backward at the second unnamed deputy before he can even get close and hitting him in the gut. Stilinski then slams down on the Achilles tendon of the man he has in an armlock and drops him onto the ground]

[Ferrell then starts throwing punches at Stilinski, who manages to dodge the first but gets hit in the face for the second attempt. Before he can get in any more hits, Stilinski kicks him hard in the stomach, tossing him back against the gate to the adjacent hall, and when Ferrell readies himself for his next move, Stilinski once again kicks him in the center mass so hard that he collapses to the ground]

[All three deputies are groaning on the ground by the time the battle is over, and though Stilinski did get a bloody nose in the fight, he's mostly just angry that it even had to occur in the first place. He walks over to the cell door and unlocks it before opening it and turning back to the deputies]

STILINSKI: The three of you-- help Deputy Parrish to his feet and get him out of there.

[The three deputies, all of which are injured and clearly hurting, look at Stilinski with both fear and respect. Ferrell, who, like Stilinski, has a bloody nose, is the first to speak]

FERRELL: Yes, sir.

[Stilinski shoots him a glare, and Ferrell clears his throat]

FERRELL: Sheriff.

[Stilinski nods and steps out of the way so that the three deputies can get Parrish up and out of the cell]


[Lydia, who has managed to avoid the Anuk-ite thus far but has been separated from Jackson and Ethan, sneaks into Coach's office to hide and take a quick break. However, when she turns and finally opens her eyes, she is horrified to find that Malia has been seen by the Anuk-ite and has since been petrified into stone, just like her father, Peter]

[Meanwhile, Jackson, his eyes still closed tightly, is feeling his way through the boy's locker room as he attempts to find the others]

JACKSON: [whispers] Ethan? Ethan?

[What seems to be Ethan's voice calls back to him]

ETHAN: [whispers] I'm here.

[Jackson seems relieved by this news, though he keeps his eyes closed]

JACKSON: Where's Lydia?
ETHAN: I don't know-- I closed my eyes and couldn't see where she went.
JACKSON: Where are you?
ETHAN: Right in front of you...

[Lulled into a false sense of security, Jackson opens his eyes, only to be immediately petrified into stone when he looks into the eyes of the Anuk-ite, who walks away once his work is done. Afterward, the camera pans over to the next aisle of lockers, where it is implied that Ethan was fooled into doing the exact same thing as Jackson was]


[Stilinski and Parrish, who has recovered from his time in the cell, have just returned to the station, where they have let Agent McCall out of his holding cell. Surprisingly, Ferrell is standing behind Parrish, suggesting that he has switched sides]

RAFAEL: What's the plan?
STILINSKI: City-wide disarmament. Anyone with a weapon issued by Gerard is going to relinquish it.
PARRISH: And we'll use force if necessary.

[Parrish hands McCall his sidearm and holster in preparation for a possible battle]


[Derek, his glowing eyes and fangs still out, has just stepped out into the entrance hall of the high school as he follows the fear inducement sensation from the Anuk-ite. Suddenly, a familiar female voice is hear from around the corner, which shocks Derek so much that the blue glow fades from his eyes]

JENNIFER: Derek, is that you?

[Sure enough, Derek sees the shadow of the woman rounding around the corner and realizes that it is, in fact, Jennifer Blake, or at least an apparition of her. Knowing that the Anuk-ite is messing with him, Derek immediately turns his back as he tries to keep calm]

JENNIFER: Derek? Derek, it's me. It's Jennifer.

[Derek, knowing that he's in danger, squeezes his eyes closed as tightly as possible and flicks his claws out, keeping his head down to avoid anything that could trick him into opening his eyes]

JENNIFER: Don't you wanna look at me?

[Jennifer continues to walk slowly down the hallway toward Derek, who squeezes his hands tightl, causing his claws to pierce the palms of his hands, just like Liam does to keep control over his transformations]

JENNIFER: Are you gonna let them kill me again?

[Derek growls under his breath and opens his hands again to reveal his fingertips are smeared with his blood. Jennifer, now halfway down the hallway, keeps talking to him]

JENNIFER: Are you gonna leave me for dead?

[Derek, still growling under his breath and gritting his teeth, keeps his eyes shut and aimed down at the floor, though it's clear that it is taking most of his willpower to do so]

JENNIFER: Or, are you willing to give me another chance?
DEREK: [pants] You're not real.

[Jennifer smirks in satisfaction]

JENNIFER: Don't I sound real?

[Derek, hearing just how close she is to him, starts to back away from her]

JENNIFER: Can't you look at me?

[Derek, too distracted by her voice and presence, stumbles backward, nearly falling and clawing at the air in front of him just in case she's there. Jennifer's expression and demeanor becomes serious]

JENNIFER: Derek, look at me. Open your eyes.

[Derek, no longer walking backward, takes another swing at Jennifer, who easily grabs him by the wrist and smirks]


[Derek continues to pant for breath due to the fear, curiosity, and anger overwhelming him and the stress it's causing to keep his eyes closed. He clenches the hand she's grabbing into a fist, and when he finally releases it, his claws have receded]

JENNIFER: Don't you want to look at me one more time? Don't you want to remember me?

[Jennifer is now holding his wrist with both hands and is slowly tugging it toward her face, though Derek is fighting against it]

JENNIFER: Remember us?

[She drags his hand along the side of her face and down to her neck, and though Derek's eyes are still closed, he's no longer fighting it]

JENNIFER: Please, look at me.

[She drags his fingertips down her chest and stomach and loosens her grip on him, allowing him to jerk his hand back away from her as he processes everything he's experiencing. Suddenly, Jennifer's voice takes a deeper, demonic-sounding tone]

JENNIFER: Look at me.

[Despite his better judgment, Derek opens his eyes, causing the glowing purple of the Anuk-ite's eyes to be seen in their reflection. Derek gasps in fear before he, too, is petrified into stone like Peter, Malia, Jackson, and Ethan. The Anuk-ite takes one last look at his work before turning and walking away]


[Scott has just awakened from having fallen unconscious, and though he's no longer poisoned, he has yet to fully recover from his wounds. He has just made his way into the library, where he hides between the shelves of books as he presses down on his wound to cut down on the bleeding, wincing in pain at the contact between his hand and his still-burned skin]


[Kate has made it back to Beacon Hills and is in the armory, where she is frantically looking through every box and crate on each shelf, clearly in search of what remains of the yellow wolfsbane she stole from Derek. She becomes more and more upset with every second and lets it show by throwing the cases she's opened on the floor]

KATE: Come on!

[When she is unsuccessful in finding it, she swipes her arm over an entire shelf and knocks its contents onto the floor with a roar]

KATE: AHHHHHHH! Where is it?

[Just then, Kate freezes at the sound of Gerard's voice as he walks into the armory]

GERARD: You actually think I would trust you with the last few ounces of yellow wolfsbane?

[Kate, who has come out from between the aisles of shelves to talk to her father, looks at him with a mixture of hurt and calm fury]

KATE: I'm your daughter. I'm an Argent.

[Gerard strolls toward Kate with his arms folded behind his back and a smug expression on his face]

GERARD: But still one of them.

[Kate looks at Gerard as though she can't believe what he's saying]

KATE: So you gave it all to her? You gave it to Monroe?

[Gerard continues walking toward her until they are a little more than arm's length apart]

GERARD: Oh, I kept enough for one last bullet.

[Before Kate can process this, Gerard reveals that the reason why he was holding his hands behind his back was to conceal a handgun, which he quickly aims at her and shoots her just below her rib cage. The bullet hits her with so much force that she's thrown backwards and crumples onto the ground]

GERARD: That bullet.

[Kate, as a result of the poison, the gunshot, and the shame of being proved wrong where Gerard is concerned causes her to groan and writhe on the ground]



[Monroe and some of her Hunters have just come upon Peter's petrified body in the hallway of the high school, where they have stopped to examine it. Monroe slides her right index fingertip down the length of his face, surprised by the fact that the texture resembled that of granite stone]

[Just then, a male Hunter speaks up on their two-way radios]

HUNTER: [on radio] We've got another one here.

[The scene cuts to the other main hallway, where Derek was petrified into stone by the Anuk-ite a short time earlier. He continues his update over the radio as he circles around Derek's body to get a better look]

HUNTER: [on radio] I don't know if he's dead... but he definitely looks vulnerable.


[Back at the armory, Kate has crawled across the room toward a support column and has propped herself up against it in a seated position while she gasps for breath and glares at Gerard with fury]

GERARD: It's over now, Kate. Everything fell into place.

[Suddenly, Argent's voice is heard behind Gerard's]

ARGENT: Not everything.

[Gerard pivots around quickly and looks appalled by his son's appearance and likely interference in his plans. Kate seems to be especially glad that Argent was there, but Gerard feels the opposite and aims his gun at Argent as well after he saunters into the room]

ARGENT: It's time to put the guns down.

[Gerard's expression is both curious and scared, but he keeps his gun aimed at his son]

GERARD: What are you talking about?

[Argent has a satisfied look on his face as he continues to slowly walk toward his family]

ARGENT: Scott's still alive, and he knows how to save them-- all of them.


[Scott is still hiding in in an aisle of bookshelves at the high school library, where he's leaning against the shelf with his eyes closed, trying to ignore the pain of his still-healing wound. Suddenly, Scott hears the sound of footsteps approaching and opens his eyes out of reflex as he focuses his senses and ducks down out of sight]

[The scene cuts to behind the shelf, where a familiar hand runs his fingers along the row of books as he speaks to Scott. It's the Anuk-ite in the form of Void-Stiles, just as he was last seen in The Divine Move]

VOID STILES: Hiding in the library, Scott? Hiding from me?

[Scott, horrified but knowing this isn't real, immediately shuts his eyes in preparation for a possible fight]

VOID STILES: Open your eyes, Scott.

[Void Stiles makes his way toward Scott, taking his time so as to create the most fear]

VOID STILES: You think you can fight me, but you can't. Your friends are gone. They saw my face and it drove them insane.

[Void Stiles is nearly to where Scott is hiding now as he continues to taunt him]

VOID STILES: They're gone because of you.

[Void Stiles turns and walks down the aisle of shelves parallel to where Scott is pressing down on his wound and squeezing his eyes closed, clearly hurting at the implication that everyone around him is hurt as a result of their relation to him]

VOID STILES: You failed them.

[Just then, Void Stiles turns into the bandaged, chrome-fanged Nogitsune]

NOGITSUNE: You failed everyone.

[The Nogitsune slowly creeps back down the aisle and curls his bandaged fingers around the corner just by Scott's head]

NOGITSUNE: Especially her.

[The Nogitsune comes out of the aisle and into the seating area of the library, where he shoves a study table aside in hopes that the noise will cause Scott to open his eyes. However, Scott's training with Deucalion seems to have worked, as his eyes remain closed. The Nogitsune, now only a foot or two away from Scott, whispers dramatically to Scott]

NOGITSUNE: Especially Allllliiiiissssoooon...

[This is the last straw for Scott, who becomes so angry that he lunges for the Anuk-ite, though he vanishes and causes Scott to swipe at the air. Although his eyes are still squeezed closed, he spins around in hopes of using his other senses to figure out where the Anuk-ite is. Suddenly, the Anuk-ite, in the form of the partially-transformed Derek, leaps into the air and attempts to claw at him]

DEREK: Open your eyes!

[Scott ducks to avoid Derek's strike, only for the Anuk-ite to take the form of Malia, her eyes glowing blue and her fangs and claws out as she rears back to hit him]

MALIA: Open your eyes!

[Though this fails to work, Scott roars in frustration]


[The Anuk-ite briefly vanishes before replicating Lydia's Banshee scream, which causes Scott to double over and cover his sensitive ears with his hands as the Anuk-ite telekinetically closes the doors to the library]

[Exhausted, Scott lowers his hands and sighs until he's once again startled by the sound of Void Stiles' voice]

VOID STILES: Scott... Open them, Scott. All you have to do is open your eyes.

[Void Stiles vanishes and is replaced by the bandaged Nogitsune]

NOGITSUNE: You'll see her.

[Scott attempts to remain calm as the Nogitsune approaches him]

NOGITSUNE: It's different, Scott. There's power underneath--

[The Nogitsune reaches out with a bandaged hand and mimes catching something with it]

NOGITSUNE: --Your power.

[The Nogitsune quickly circles around Scott, who seems to sense it despite having his eyes closed and turns so that the Nogitsune is no longer behind him]

NOGITSUNE: Your fear brings me freedom! I won't be trapped again. I won't be caught and caged ever again! Not ever!

[The Nogitsune lunges for Scott and grabs him in a choke-hold, leaning in close to whisper towards Scott's face as he squeezes his eyes shut as tightly as he can]

NOGITSUNE: Open your eyes.

[When Scott doesn't respond, he clutches Scott's throat even tighter and growls in a demonic voice]


[Scott, with his eyes still closed, manages to speak in a croaking voice despite being choked]

SCOTT: I know how to fight you. And I know how to get you.

[Suddenly, Scott uses his hands to break out of his choke-hold and shoves the Nogitsune backward behind the nearby study table. The Nogitsune watches in shock as Scott flicks out his claws and takes a deep breath before driving them into his eye sockets with a roar of agony]


[When he finally removes his hands from his face, his eyes have been gouged to the point of blindness, and his clawed fingers are covered in blood as Scott breathes through the pain of what he's just inflicted upon himself]


[In the hospital's medication room, Gabe is skulking around with his assault rifle, only to be caught off-guard by Liam, who lunges for him with a growl, shoves the end of his gun away from him, and forcefully pushes him against a nearby support column. Though Gabe attempts to fight back by pulling the trigger of his gun, the shots merely go sideways and hit the far wall, forcing Gabe to spin them so that Liam is now the one against the wall. Theo is still recovering from his gunshot wound to the arm in the hallway by the elevator, and Melissa and Nolan have taken cover behind a steel supply shelf]

[Meanwhile, one of the uninjured Hunters is aiming his handgun at the two with one hand while talking to Monroe on the radio with the other]

HUNTER: I can't get a shot. What do you want me to do?
MONROE: [on radio] Just shoot him! Shoot both of them!

[Nolan and Melissa, hearing this message, look at each other and nod in agreement before Nolan runs from behind their hiding spot and disappears out of sight. Just as Liam has headbutted Gabe to get out of his hold, the Hunter begins shooting at the two of them; while one of the shots seems to have grazed Liam, the majority of them hit Gabe directly in the chest. Theo seems pained by what he's just seen and flinches before squeezing his eyes shut. Just as the Hunter is about to make another shot, Nolan appears behind him with a fire extinguisher and slams it in the back of his head, knocking him out. Unfortunately, it's too late for Gabe, who begins bleeding from the mouth before collapsing onto the floor]


[Scott, now effectively blind and with no choice but to use the skills Deucalion taught him, is walking slowly through the library with his bloody hands outstretched, seemingly using them to get clues on the Anuk-ite's location through thermoception and proprioception (with the blood on Scott's hands going through temperature changes based on the air temperature and pressure) as well as echolocation (through the sounds the Anuk-ite inadvertently makes as he skulks around the library). All the while, blood still drips from his clawed up eyes]

[Following his instincts, Scott turns around in a circle just as the Anuk-ite, now in the form of one of Kate's former Berserkers, appears behind him. Hearing the sound of it's bone armor clanking together, Scott turns toward it just in time to avoid being hit by its large fist, leading it to punch the nearby table instead before it vanishes. Scott's fingers twitch as he feels out for more sensory clues and hears the trilling sound of an Oni, ducking before he can be slashed by the ninjato it has just materialized from its chest. Finally, the Pathologist of the Dread Doctors appears with a robotic grunt and is about to slam Scott in the head with its clockwork fist when Scott suddenly snatches his wrist in midair and hits him dead in the chest with a palm thrust]

[The hit causes the Pathologist to turn back into the Anuk-ite as it falls onto the nearby table. The creature glares at Scott with his glowing purple eyes, but since Scott cannot see them, he's unaffected and responds with a furious Alpha roar]


[The Anuk-ite, appalled, continues to glare at Scott as he reverses their roles and begins taunting him instead]

SCOTT: You can't beat me! I'm not afraid of you-- not anymore.

[Meanwhile, in the actual school, two of the Hunters are standing behind Derek's petrified body and is talking over the radio with Monroe, who is standing with another Hunter in front of Peter's body]

MONROE: [on radio] One in the head, and one in the heart.
HUNTER 1: [on radio] Copy.

[The second Hunter aims his handgun at Derek's head while the first aims his gun at Derek's chest]

[Over in the other hall, Monroe, holding her radio with her left hand, aims her gun at Peter's head while her partner aims at his heart]


[Kate is still laying on the floor, bleeding from her gunshot wound, and Gerard is still aiming his gun at Argent as he continues to explain why and how his plan failed]

ARGENT: Even if the yellow wolfsbane was just meant to weaken him, Scott figured it out. Like he always does.

[Argent smirks smugly at Gerard, whose eyes widen in shock]

GERARD: The Anuk-ite.


[Back in the school library, Scott continues to blindly face off with the Anuk-ite]

SCOTT: You wanted enough power so that you could never be trapped again. You wanted the power of a shapeshifter like me. But that comes with all the rules of being a shapeshifter! We have weaknesses, and we have lines that we can't cross.


[Gerard's hold on his gun starts to weaken when he's distracted by the shock of realizing what Scott has planned]

GERARD: Mountain ash...

[Argent continues to smirk at his father in satisfaction]


[The face-off between Scott and the Anuk-ite is interrupted by the arrival at Stiles, who, surprisingly, manages to survive making brief eye contact with the Anuk-ite before throwing the jar of mountain ash he stole from the armory as hard as he can toward the creature. The jar breaks, releasing the ash into a perfect circle around the Anuk-ite that causes its own power to be rebounded back on itself, petrifying himself into stone like the rest of his victims. Though Scott cannot see what is happening, he seems to sense that the battle is over and tries to catch his breath]

[Out in the secondary hallway, just before the Hunters can shoot Derek, he bursts out of his stone covering in a burst of dust, startling the Hunters enough that he's able to hit the gun out of the second one's hands, punch him in the face, and head-butt the first Hunter in rapid succession until they are knocked out]

[Over in the entrance hall, the same thing has happened to Peter, which scares Monroe enough that she runs for her life, leaving her Hunter partner behind to be knocked out by Peter after he slams him down onto the linoleum floor. Peter then roars to alert the others that he is okay]

[In the Coach's office, Malia, too, breaks out of her stone covering with surprise, as do Jackson and Ethan, who help each other to their feet and look at each other with relief. Ethan puts a comforting hand on Jackson's cheek]

ETHAN: Jackson?
JACKSON: Is it over?

[Just then, the two hear the sounds of gunfire approaching, causing Ethan to instinctively wrap his arm around Jackson in hopes of protecting him when a Hunter appears and points his assault rifle at them. Fortunately for them, Coach Finstock pops out from behind a nearby row of lockers and begins viciously beating the Hunter over the head with a lacrosse stick until he falls unconscious, and then gets in another couple hits for good measure before looking up at the two men]

COACH: Now it's over.

[Coach Finstock smiles and laughs gleefully as he walks away. Ethan looks speechless at what has just happened, but Jackson, used to his outrageous behavior, just rolls his eyes with a smile]

JACKSON: Good to see you, Coach.
COACH: You too, Jackson.

[Coach Finstock continues smiling as he walks into his office]


[Gabe, still holding onto life, is frantically crawling across the medication room floor, leaving a large smear of blood in a trail behind him from his gunshot wounds. He eventually makes it to the row of medication shelves and weakly sits up so his back is propped up against the back]

[Theo, still healing from the shot he took to the shoulder, grimaces and winces as he gets up to walk over to him, as do Liam, who is also recovering from his own gunshot wound to the thigh, and Melissa and Nolan, who have made it out unscathed. After a moment, Gabe coughs up a large amount of blood and whimpers in pain]

GABE: It hurts... It hurts...

[Theo, who seems to find some kind of connection with Gabe, looks saddened as he walks over to him. Liam is glaring at Gabe for his role in everything that has happened, and Melissa and Nolan seem to have mixed feelings about it as well, but Theo's expression is one of sympathy]

GABE: It hurts, it hurts....

[When Theo finally makes it over to the shelves, Gabe initially believes that he's going to kill him and get it over with. However, he instead kneels down in front of Gabe and gently lifts up his shaking right arm with his hands, pushing up the sleeve so he has more room to make skin-to-skin contact. Mason and Corey have just made it to where they all had their battle and join Melissa, Nolan, and Liam in being pleasantly surprised by what Theo is about to do-- use his powers to take Gabe's pain. Darkened veins develop up Theo's hands and arms, but he doesn't show any pain as he gives Gabe the relief he needs]

THEO: [grimly] Does it hurt anymore?

[Gabe, getting weaker by the moment, shakes his head and whispers]

THEO: Good.

[A tear rolls down Gabe's cheek, and after a moment, he stops breathing and dies. Theo, whose eyes look pretty wet as well, gently lays Gabe's arm back down as the others look on with conflicted expressions, though all seem to be impressed by Theo's selfless action just now. Nolan seems especially overwhelmed by the violence that he helped cause]


[Gerard has lowered his weapon but is looking at Argent with fury and loathing as he sneers at him]

GERARD: You let this happen.

[Behind them, Kate, who is still hanging onto life herself, begins laughing darkly]

KATE: You let this happen, you stupid old man! All you saw was him.
GERARD: He destroyed our family!
ARGENT: Your family--

[Gerard pivots quickly and aims his gun at his son for a second time]

ARGENT: --Is right in front of you.

[Argent smiles at Gerard, knowing that he won't shoot him, before he walks out the door. Suddenly, Kate's eyes glow bright green, and her skin turns its Werejaguar blue-black color, causing Gerard to turn around in alarm before she rears her clawed hand back and starts to viciously maul him. Argent walks away with a blank expression, knowing that Kate will kill him]


[More Hunters are infiltrating the hospital, armed to the teeth, but when they make it to the ER lobby, they are met by Stilinski, Parrish, and McCall, all of whom aim their own weapons at them]

STILINSKI: Drop your weapons!

[When this fails to yield results, Stilinski looks over at Parrish, who is next to him]

STILINSKI: Parrish, drop their weapons.

[Parrish lowers his sidearm and holsters it with a confident expression]

PARRISH: Yes, sir.

[Parrish steps ahead of Stilinski and McCall, his Hellhound eyes glowing bright red-orange, as he projects a wave of thermokinetic energy toward the Hunters that causes their guns to become red-hot, forcing them to drop them onto the ground to avoid being burned. Once they're all unarmed, the three men lower their own weapons and start walking toward the Hunters. McCall looks at Parrish with an impressed expression]

RAFAEL: I'm gonna need you to teach me how to do that.


[On the Hunters' radios at the HOSPITAL and the HIGH SCHOOL, Monroe, in the entrance hall, is attempting to get a hold of someone who can give her an update]

MONROE: [on radio] This is Monroe. Someone report with a status now. Someone respond. Someone talk to me! What's happening? Someone pick up the radio and tell me what's happening!

[Just before Monroe can continue, Liam picks up a radio off of an unconscious Hunter and uses it to do as she asked]

LIAM: You lost.

[Monroe, furious, squeezes the radio in anger before throwing it down the hallway]


[Malia has just made her way into the library, where Stiles, Lydia, and Derek have gathered around Scott, who is laying weakly on the main staircase. When Malia sees what happened to him, she immediately rushes to his side as Stiles stands and gives her space]

MALIA: Scott?

[Malia turns to look at the others before returning her attention to Scott]

MALIA: He's not healing? Scott, what happened to your eyes?
SCOTT: I had to. I'm sorry.

[Derek looks at Scott with concern]

DEREK: Scott, you have to heal. If your eyes stay like this much longer, the damage is gonna be permanent.

[Stiles becomes worried about Scott at this news, and Malia squeezes his shoulder reassuringly]

STILES: Come on, Scott, concentrate.
SCOTT: [panicked] I'm trying... It's not working. I can't focus.

[Malia cradles Scott's face in her hands as she tries to help him heal]

MALIA: Hey! Hey, look at me! Yes, you can! Just concentrate!

[Between the pain of his eye's injuries and the pressure of the need to focus in order to heal them, Scott begins hyperventilating]

SCOTT: I can't-I can't-I can't do it.
MALIA: Yes, you can. Scott, please, just look at me.

[Stiles and Lydia look at each other with concern as they gently clasp hands. Remembering how she once brought Stiles out of a panic attack, Lydia gets an idea]

LYDIA: Malia...?

[Malia looks back at Lydia, Scott's face still held in her hands]

LYDIA: Kiss him.

[Malia looks at Lydia as though she's lost her mind]

MALIA: What??

[Lydia repeats herself with emphasis]

LYDIA: Kiss him.

[Malia turns back to Scott, licking her lips anxiously as she looks how badly his eyes are injured before leaning forward and gently kissing him on the lips. Scott reaches up with his left hand and places it gently on where she has her own hand holding his jaw. After a long moment, she pulls away, and Scott carefully opens his eyes to reveal that they are healing in a burst of Alpha-red light. Malia and the others let out a sigh of relief before Scott, looking at Malia with adoration, leans forward and kisses her again]


[Scott narrates the events that followed the final battle in voiceover in a conversation with Alec]

[At BEACON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL, Monroe is fleeing for her life from the high school, looking behind her to make sure she isn't followed before bursting through the double doors]

SCOTT: [voiceover] They ran that night.

[At ARGENT ARMS INTERNATIONAL, Parrish, Stilinski, and McCall are overseeing the police department's seizure of all of the firearms in Gerard's armory]

SCOTT: [voiceover] Gerard put guns in people's hands, but a lot less than they thought were actually willing to use them.

[At BEACON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL, students are milling around out on the campus and inside the building]

SCOTT: [voiceover] More people know our secret now, but more of them are on our side.

[In the BOY'S LOCKER ROOM, Nolan and Liam, both in their lacrosse pads, are standing in front of Coach Finstock, who has a clipboard in his hands and is looking at them incredulously]

COACH: Co-captains? You wanna be co-captains now?

[Nolan and Liam sigh in anticipation of a fight]

NOLAN: We've, uh... gotten past our differences.
COACH: [appalled] That doesn't sound very competitive!

[Coach Finstock turns to Liam]

COACH: Who taught you that crap?
LIAM: You did. Because you're a great coach.

[Liam and Nolan decide to slip away to avoid further argument, though Liam pats Coach Finstock on the arm affectionately before he leaves. When they're gone, Coach Finstock smiles and whispers under his breath]

COACH: You're right. I am a great coach.
SCOTT: [voiceover] They weren't afraid of us anymore.

[The scene cuts to Theo, who is walking through the UNDERGROUND TUNNELS and turns back as though he heard something]

SCOTT: [voiceover] Now we have allies who used to be enemies.

[The scene cuts to the BEACON HILLS PRESERVE, where Peter turns around, his blue eyes glowing in the night, as he prepares to defend his territory]

SCOTT: [voiceover] We have protectors.

[The scene cuts to the BEACON HILLS ANIMAL CLINIC, where Deaton is showing Mason and Corey something in a book, implying Mason may be soon trained to be a Druid Emissary]

SCOTT: [voiceover] We have friends willing to fight for us.

[The scene cuts to the MCCALL HOUSE, where Argent has just walked through the door to find Melissa in the kitchen, ready to greet him. They rush toward each other with big smiles on their faces as Argent grabs Melissa's hands and kisses her knuckles before pulling her towards him to kiss her on the lips, implying that they are now in a romantic relationship]

[The scene cuts to ETHAN AND JACKSON'S APARTMENT in London, England, where Jackson, dressed in a suit, is standing at the window, looking out at the city, as Ethan comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his shoulders, nuzzling his face in Jackson's neck]

SCOTT: [voiceover] The rest of us have been looking for others... Like you.

[The scene cuts the WAREHOUSE DISTRICT in Beacon Hills, where Argent parks the SUV in the parking lot in the pouring rain. Scott and Alec get out and circle around to the driver's side, where Scott clasps hands with Argent affectionately as a thank you before he takes off. Scott then turns to Alec, who looks despondent and confused]

SCOTT: 'Kay, Alec... The people who are hunting you? They've got a leader. Her name is Monroe, and she's got a lot of followers.
ALEC: Like, what? Hundreds?

[Scott looks at Alec with a serious expression]

SCOTT: Thousands-- all over the world.
ALEC: So what are we doing here?
SCOTT: We're meeting up with some people who can help us. Some of them are always with us, others come when we need them. But, tonight... We need everyone we can get.

[Alec is suddenly distracted by the arrival of the Jeep pulling up to them and watches as Stiles and Lydia get out of it to join them. Next is Derek, driving his Camaro, and Malia, in her Toyota with Liam, all three of whom get out to greet them as well. Malia makes eye contact with Scott and gives him an affectionate smile. Alec looks back at Scott with a questioning expression]

ALEC: Are they all... different?
SCOTT: [nods] Some of them are.

[Scott looks back at Malia, who smirks playfully]

SCOTT: Some can do things you'd never believe. And others might only be human--

[Scott gestures at Stiles, who smiles and winks]

SCOTT: --but they make up for it by being really smart--

[Scott looks at Lydia, who turns to face Stiles.]

SCOTT: --or really good in a fight.
ALEC: Who are they?

[Scott smiles at Alec at the thought of the answer before turning to look at Derek, who has a small smile on his face]

SCOTT: My friends. My pack. And you can be with us, if you want. But you're going to have to fight.
ALEC: [grimly] Against Monroe?
SCOTT: [nods] And everyone that follows her.

[Alec looks at Scott with fear in his eyes]

ALEC: She said she'd find me. That she'd hunt me down and kill me. She didn't care how old I was. She said I was a monster.

[Scott looks at Alec affectionately, remembering a similar conversation he had with Liam before he speaks]

SCOTT: You're not a monster. You're a Werewolf. Like me.

[Scott's eyes glow bright Alpha red]

[Scott turns to look at Liam, who smiles in response, before beckoning Alec to follow him]

[Scott walks over to the others to make his introduction, and Derek smiles with pride as well as he follows after him. Scott puts his arms around Derek and Stiles' shoulders, and Alec, now excited to meet everyone, quickly rushes over. Malia joins them, replacing Derek at Scott's side, and Liam is the first to approach Alec to talk to him as all seven of them walk into the proverbial sunset. The scene slowly zooms in to a close-up of Scott's face, whoā€™s face sets in a smile of happiness and pride at the pack around him]

[The camera pans up slowly, unfocused, showing a blurred cloudy night sky and buildings in WAREHOUSE DISTRICT. As the music ends, the camera, still pointed at the background, focuses, and a few clouds drift, revealing the full moon]


See also[]
